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The Real Peaky Blinders: History, Crime, and Legacy

by Peter

Who Were the Real Peaky Blinders?

History and Origins

The Peaky Blinders were a real street gang that operated in Birmingham, England, around the turn of the 20th century. The BBC drama “Peaky Blinders” is inspired by this gang, but there are some key differences between the fictional and real-life versions.

The real Peaky Blinders emerged in the 1890s, not the 1920s and ’30s as depicted in the show. They were not as successful as the Shelby family in the drama, but they shared some similarities, such as their distinctive fashion sense, disregard for the law, and membership base of young working-class men.

Fashion and Appearance

The Peaky Blinders were known for their dapper appearance. They wore bell-bottomed trousers, hob-nailed boots, colorful scarves, and peaked caps with long brims. Their hair was typically short, except for a long quiff in front. Their girlfriends often wore lavish pearls and silk handkerchiefs.

Violence and Crime

Despite their stylish exterior, the Peaky Blinders were a violent and criminal gang. They targeted rival gang members, police, and the general public indiscriminately, often using violence for no apparent reason.

The Real Peaky Blinders vs. the BBC Drama

While the BBC drama “Peaky Blinders” is inspired by the real gang, there are some significant differences. The fictional Shelby family is much more successful and powerful than the real Peaky Blinders. The show also depicts the gang as being more organized and sophisticated than they actually were.

Another difference is the timing of events. The show is set during the 1920s and ’30s, while the real Peaky Blinders were most active in the 1890s.

The Legacy of the Peaky Blinders

The Peaky Blinders were disbanded after World War I, but their legacy lives on. Their name and reputation for violence and gangsterism have ensured that they would not be forgotten.

Other Notable Gangs

During the early 20th century, Birmingham was home to several other notorious gangs, including the Birmingham Boys and the Sabini Gang. These gangs competed with the Peaky Blinders for control of the city’s criminal underworld.

The Peaky Blinders in Popular Culture

The Peaky Blinders have been featured in numerous books, films, and television shows. The BBC drama “Peaky Blinders” has renewed interest in the gang and their history.

Additional Information

  • The Peaky Blinders’ name may have come from the distinctive peak of their caps or from the local slang term “blinder,” which was used to describe someone who was particularly striking.
  • The gang’s weapons of choice were not razor blades hidden in their caps, as depicted in the show. Instead, they used knives, bricks, and other improvised weapons.
  • The Peaky Blinders were not all hardened criminals. Some were simply young men who were drawn to the gang’s sense of community and protection.
  • The Peaky Blinders’ reign of terror came to an end with the outbreak of World War I. Many of the gang’s members were killed or imprisoned during the war.

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