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The Liberator: Netflix’s Animated Series About the True Story of the Thunderbird Division

by peter

The Liberator: The True Story of Netflix’s Animated Series

History of the Thunderbird Division

During World War II, the U.S. Army’s 45th Infantry Division, known as the Thunderbird Division, stood out as one of the most integrated units of the era. Composed of African Americans, Native Americans, and Mexican Americans, the Thunderbirds fought valiantly across Europe, earning a reputation as one of the war’s most formidable combat groups.

Netflix’s ‘The Liberator’

Netflix’s animated series “The Liberator” tells the gripping story of the Thunderbird Division, based on Alex Kershaw’s book of the same name. The series follows the experiences of Felix Sparks, a company commander who rose through the division ranks, and the fictional characters Samuel Coldfoot and Able Gomez, who represent the Indigenous and Mexican American soldiers who made up the bulk of the Thunderbird Division.

The Thunderbird Division’s Combat Experience

The Thunderbirds fought in some of the war’s most significant battles, including the invasion of Sicily, the bloody landings at Salerno and Anzio, and the liberation of France and Germany. They also played a crucial role in the liberation of Dachau concentration camp.

Felix Sparks: A True Hero

Felix Sparks, a lieutenant colonel in the Thunderbird Division, became a legend among his troops for his compassion and leadership. He stood up to a superior officer who assaulted a soldier, earning the respect and admiration of his men. Sparks went on to become a lawyer and a Colorado Supreme Court Justice, and he remained an advocate for civil rights throughout his life.

The Thunderbird Division’s Legacy

The Thunderbird Division’s legacy extends beyond its battlefield victories. The division’s integrated nature and Sparks’ advocacy for equality inspired others to fight against racism and discrimination. The Netflix series “The Liberator” brings their story to a new generation, highlighting the importance of diversity and the sacrifices made by those who fought for freedom and justice.

The Thunderbird Division’s Key Battles

  • Invasion of Sicily
  • Landings at Salerno and Anzio
  • Liberation of France
  • Liberation of Germany
  • Liberation of Dachau concentration camp

The Thunderbird Division’s Notable Figures

  • Felix Sparks
  • Van Barfoot
  • Salvador J. Lara
  • Guy Prestia
  • Alex Kershaw

Additional Information

  • The Thunderbird Division was known for its use of the Thunderbird symbol, which represented protection from evil spirits and vengeance on moral enemies.
  • The division was composed of three regiments: the 157th, 179th, and 180th, which brought together Mexican Americans and Native Americans from 50 tribes.
  • The Netflix series “The Liberator” uses animation to tell the real-life story of the Thunderbird Division, making it accessible to a wider audience.
  • The division’s experiences and legacy continue to inspire and educate people about the importance of diversity, equality, and the sacrifices made by those who fought for freedom.

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