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Empowering Students: Andrew Brennen’s Journey to Transform Education

by peter

Andrew Brennen: Education Reform Starts with Student Voices

Student Voice in Education

Andrew Brennen, a sophomore at UNC-Chapel Hill, is passionate about transforming education through student empowerment. As the national field director for Student Voice, he’s traveled the country to listen to students’ perspectives on their educational experiences.

Brennen believes that students should be active partners in shaping their education. He works with organizations like the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence and Student Voice to amplify student voices in policy discussions.

The Disconnect Between Teachers and Students

Through his conversations with students, Brennen has identified a disconnect between teachers and students. Students often feel unheard and undervalued. One student shared her frustration about missing a test because her teacher refused to accommodate her early morning bus schedule.

Another issue raised by students is bullying. In one rural Kentucky school, 280 out of 800 students reported bullying as the most pressing issue in their school, while not a single teacher mentioned it.

Empowering Students Through School Governance

Brennen advocates for integrating students into school governance structures. He believes that students who spend 35 hours a week in school should have a say in the decisions that affect their education.

In San Francisco, students are working to lower the voting age for school district elections, arguing that they have a direct stake in the decisions being made. In Houston, a student group has filed an amicus brief to the Texas Supreme Court, challenging the constitutionality of the current funding structure for education.

Innovative Solutions to College Access

Despite students’ aspirations for higher education, many face barriers to college access. Brennen has observed innovative solutions to this problem.

In Los Angeles, Environmental Charter School requires all students to be accepted into college as a graduation requirement. In Kentucky, a partnership with 55,000 Degrees supports students throughout the transition from acceptance to college enrollment.

Technology’s Role in Overcoming Educational Challenges

Technology can play a vital role in addressing educational challenges. In states with frequent snow days, schools are using technology to ensure that students continue learning even when they’re out of the classroom.

Brennen emphasizes the importance of using technology to close learning gaps and provide equitable access to educational opportunities.

The Unique Challenges Faced by Black Male Students in Higher Education

Brennen, as a black male student at UNC-Chapel Hill, is aware of the unique challenges faced by his demographic. He hopes to address these challenges through his work in education policy.

Brennen is determined to increase the graduation rates of black male students by advocating for policies that support their academic success and personal development.

Brennen’s Future Plans

After graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill, Brennen plans to pursue a career at the intersection of politics and public policy. He hopes to continue his advocacy for education reform and to make a positive impact on the lives of students.

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