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Mount Rushmore: A Monument to Racism and White Supremacy

by peter

Mount Rushmore: A Monument to Racism and White Supremacy

Gutzon Borglum’s Ties to the Ku Klux Klan

Mount Rushmore, an iconic American landmark, was the brainchild of Gutzon Borglum, a sculptor with a dark past. Borglum was a white supremacist who had close ties to the Ku Klux Klan, a notorious hate group.

Borglum’s involvement with the Klan began in 1915, when he helped organize a torch-light ceremony atop Stone Mountain in Georgia. This event marked the rebirth of the Klan, which had faded after the Civil War.

Borglum’s Klan connections helped him secure funding for the Stone Mountain project, a massive sculpture of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. However, infighting within the Klan led to the project’s failure, and Borglum was fired in 1925.

The Stone Mountain Project and Borglum’s Obsession

Borglum’s work on Stone Mountain gave him the expertise he needed to tackle Mount Rushmore. He began carving the faces of four American presidents into the Black Hills of South Dakota in 1927.

Borglum devoted the last 14 years of his life to the Mount Rushmore project, which he saw as a celebration of the nation’s greatness. However, his own racist beliefs cast a shadow over his work.

The Controversy Surrounding Mount Rushmore

The controversy surrounding Mount Rushmore stems from Borglum’s racist views and the fact that the monument was built on land that was stolen from the Lakota Sioux.

Critics argue that Mount Rushmore is a symbol of white supremacy and that it glorifies the conquest of the West. They also point out that Borglum’s original plan for the monument included a sculpture of a Native American chief, but he abandoned this idea due to pressure from white supremacist groups.

The Long-Lasting Impact of Gutzon Borglum

Gutzon Borglum’s legacy is complex and contested. He was a talented sculptor who created one of America’s most iconic landmarks. However, his racist beliefs and his association with the Ku Klux Klan tarnish his reputation.

Mount Rushmore remains a popular tourist destination, but it is also a reminder of the dark history of racism and white supremacy in the United States.

The Hidden History of Mount Rushmore

The hidden history of Mount Rushmore is a story of racism, ambition, and the struggle for control of the American narrative. Gutzon Borglum’s ties to the Ku Klux Klan and his own white supremacist beliefs shaped the monument’s creation and its meaning.

The Role of Racism in the Creation of Mount Rushmore

Racism played a significant role in the creation of Mount Rushmore. Borglum’s decision to exclude a Native American chief from the monument was motivated by his belief in white supremacy. He also used the project to promote his own racist views.

The Connection Between Mount Rushmore and the Ku Klux Klan

The Ku Klux Klan was instrumental in the funding and construction of Mount Rushmore. Borglum’s involvement with the Klan helped him secure funding for the project and gave him access to a network of supporters.

The Failure of the Stone Mountain Project

The Stone Mountain project failed due to infighting within the Ku Klux Klan. This led to a loss of funding and support, and Borglum was eventually fired.

Gutzon Borglum’s Legacy as a Racist and a Sculptor

Gutzon Borglum’s legacy is a complex one. He was a talented sculptor who created one of America’s most iconic landmarks. However, his racist beliefs and his association with the Ku Klux Klan tarnish his reputation.

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