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Etta Shiber: American Heroine of the French Resistance

by peter

Etta Shiber: American Heroine of the French Resistance

Early Life and Background

Etta Kahn Shiber, an American widow and former Manhattan housewife, found herself thrust into a life of danger and heroism during the Nazi occupation of Paris.

The Nazi Invasion

On June 13, 1940, the Nazis invaded Paris, sending shockwaves through the city. Etta and her roommate, Kitty Beaurepos, fled the city, but soon realized they needed to do more to help the Allied cause.

Smuggling Allied Soldiers

Inspired by Kitty’s connections to the French Resistance, Etta devised a plan to smuggle stranded British soldiers out of Nazi-occupied territory. With the help of the Foyer du Soldat, a veterans’ service organization, they obtained Red Cross emblems and gasoline rations. They then used their car to transport soldiers, hiding them in the luggage compartment.

Working with the French Resistance

Etta and Kitty connected with Chancel, a true Frenchman and veteran of the First World War. Chancel provided them with safe houses and French escorts for the soldiers. He also introduced them to Father Christian Ravier, a priest who had organized a network of hiding places for British soldiers in the village of Conchy-sur-Canche.

The Smuggling Operation

Over several months, Etta and Kitty smuggled more than 150 British soldiers out of occupied France. They faced numerous dangers, including Gestapo checkpoints and German patrols. However, they remained determined to help those in need.

Arrest and Imprisonment

Despite their precautions, Etta and Kitty were eventually caught by the Gestapo. They were charged with aiding the escape of military fugitives and sentenced to prison. Etta served a year and a half of her sentence, enduring harsh conditions and malnutrition.

Liberation and Legacy

In May 1942, Etta was exchanged for a German spy and returned to the United States. She was hailed as a hero, but she downplayed her own role, saying, “I was looking forward to a quiet old age. I still am.”

Etta’s story is a testament to the courage and resilience of women during World War II. She and other unsung heroes of the French Resistance played a vital role in the Allied victory.

Additional Details

  • Etta Shiber’s Memoir: Etta published her memoir, Paris Underground, in 1943, which provides a firsthand account of her experiences.
  • The Role of the Red Cross: The Red Cross played a crucial role in the smuggling operation, providing Etta and Kitty with emblems and gasoline rations.
  • The Significance of Father Christian Ravier: Father Ravier was a key figure in the Resistance, organizing a network of hiding places for British soldiers and helping to facilitate their escape.
  • The Dangers of Working Against the Nazis: Etta and Kitty faced immense risks in their work, including arrest, torture, and execution.
  • The Legacy of Etta Shiber: Etta’s story continues to inspire people today, reminding us of the importance of courage, compassion, and sacrifice in the face of adversity.

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