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Лосина слина: природна зброя проти грибків

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Moose Spit: Nature’s Antifungal Weapon

Moose, known for their impressive antlers and large size, possess a unique adaptation that helps them thrive in their forest habitats: antifungal saliva. This remarkable fluid plays a crucial role in keeping the fungus on their favorite foods in check, ensuring their health and well-being.

Antifungal Properties of Moose Saliva

Biologist Dawn Bazely, in collaboration with the Toronto Zoo, has conducted extensive research on the properties of moose spit. Her findings have revealed that both moose and European reindeer saliva possess potent antifungal properties that protect them from the harmful effects of fungi.

Fungi are microscopic organisms that can produce toxins that can make moose sick if consumed in large quantities. To combat this threat, moose have evolved to produce saliva that suppresses fungal growth. Bazely’s experiments demonstrated that moose drool applied to grass samples significantly reduced the production of toxins within a day.

How Moose Use Their Antifungal Spit

While researchers are still investigating the exact mechanisms by which moose use their antifungal saliva, they speculate that it may serve multiple purposes. One possibility is that moose use their saliva to keep fungus levels in their home turf in check, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for themselves and their offspring.

Another theory suggests that moose may use their spit to protect themselves from fungal infections. By applying saliva to their food before eating, they may reduce the risk of ingesting harmful toxins. However, more research is needed to fully understand how moose utilize their antifungal saliva in their daily lives.

Beyond Moose: Antifungal Properties in Other Animals and Humans

Moose are not the only animals that possess antifungal saliva. Human saliva also exhibits antifungal properties, providing us with a natural defense against fungal infections. In 2008, Dutch scientists discovered that human saliva contains a compound that promotes wound healing, offering potential benefits for people with foot ulcers.

Medicinal Value of Saliva

The medicinal properties of saliva are often overlooked, but research is increasingly revealing its potential health benefits. In addition to its antifungal and wound-healing properties, saliva may also play a role in maintaining oral health, regulating digestion, and protecting against certain diseases.


Moose spit, with its remarkable antifungal properties, is a testament to the incredible adaptations that animals have evolved to survive in their environments. As research continues to uncover the medicinal value of saliva, we may discover even more ways that this humble fluid contributes to our health and well-being.

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