Home ScienceTechnology Landlines: A Thing of the Past in Mantoloking After Hurricane Sandy?

Landlines: A Thing of the Past in Mantoloking After Hurricane Sandy?

by peter

Landlines: A Thing of the Past in Mantoloking?

Hurricane Sandy’s Devastating Impact on Landlines

Hurricane Sandy, which ravaged the New Jersey coastline nearly a decade ago, left a lasting impact on the town of Mantoloking. One of the most significant consequences of the storm was the destruction of landlines, which Verizon Communications never bothered to repair.

The Decline of Landlines: A National Trend

Mantoloking is not an isolated case. The traditional landline is on the decline nationwide, with nearly 40% of households relying solely on wireless phones. Even now, less than 10% of households have only a landline phone. This trend is driven by the increasing affordability and convenience of wireless technology.

Residents’ Concerns over Wireless Replacement

Residents of Mantoloking are concerned about the reliability of the wireless Voice Link replacement that Verizon proposes. They fear that it will fail in the event of a storm or power outage, leaving them without essential communication. Verizon has also admitted that emergency calls might not always go through even during normal conditions if the network is overtaxed.

The Battle Between Old and New

The residents of Mantoloking are fighting to keep their traditional copper landlines, while Verizon is pushing for a complete transition to wireless. Petitions are underway to get the landlines back, highlighting the ongoing debate between old and new communication technologies.

Fire Island’s Success with Fiber-Optic Service

Nearby Fire Island faced a similar transition, but with a different outcome. Residents there successfully convinced Verizon to connect their homes to a fiber-optic FiOS service via wires. This provides them with a reliable and high-speed internet connection, as well as traditional landline phone service.

The Future of Landlines

The future of landlines is uncertain. While wireless technology continues to improve and become more affordable, there is still a need for reliable landline service in many areas, especially during emergencies. The battle between old and new will likely continue for some time, as communities weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

Additional Considerations

  • Infrastructure: The cost of repairing and maintaining landline infrastructure is a significant factor in Verizon’s decision to phase out landlines.
  • Disaster Preparedness: Landlines provide a reliable means of communication during emergencies when wireless networks may be overwhelmed or damaged.
  • Communication Technology: The rapid evolution of communication technology is constantly reshaping the landscape, with new technologies emerging to replace old ones.

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