Home ScienceTechnology Cameras That Can See Around Corners: A Transformative Technology for Multiple Industries

Cameras That Can See Around Corners: A Transformative Technology for Multiple Industries

by Rosa

Cameras That Can See Around Corners: A Revolutionary Technology

What Are Cameras That Can See Around Corners?

Imagine a camera that can peer around corners, allowing you to see what’s hidden from view. This groundbreaking technology, known as around corner vision, is making waves in various industries.

How Do Cameras See Around Corners?

These cameras utilize superfast and supersensitive technology to capture scattered laser light. The light bounces off surfaces multiple times, and the camera records the timing and direction of each bounce. Advanced algorithms then reconstruct a 3D image of the hidden object.

Benefits and Applications

Automotive Industry:

Around corner vision can significantly enhance the safety of self-driving cars. By allowing vehicles to “see” around obstacles, they can make more informed decisions and avoid collisions.

Exploration Industry:

These cameras enable remote exploration of hazardous environments, such as caves and disaster zones. They can provide valuable information about the surroundings without putting human lives at risk.


Around corner vision opens up new possibilities for photography. It allows photographers to capture unique and impossible-to-obtain shots, such as images of objects hidden behind walls or around corners.

Medical Diagnostics:

Supersensitive cameras can be used for non-invasive medical diagnostics. They can image through skin to detect hidden injuries or diseases, aiding in early diagnosis and treatment.

Research and Development

Researchers are continuously pushing the boundaries of around corner vision technology. They are developing cameras with higher resolution, faster frame rates, and lower power consumption.

Specific Applications

  • Building Evaluation: Around corner cameras can assess the interior of buildings before entering, enhancing safety during search and rescue operations.
  • Fog Imaging: These cameras can penetrate fog, providing clear images in low-visibility conditions.
  • Lunar Cave Exploration: NASA is exploring the use of around corner cameras to map caves on the moon, which could provide shelter for future lunar bases.

Future Prospects

The future of around corner vision technology is bright. As the technology continues to evolve, it will find even more applications in various fields, revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us.

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