Home ScienceSports Science FITGuard: A Revolutionary Mouthguard for Concussion Detection in Contact Sports

FITGuard: A Revolutionary Mouthguard for Concussion Detection in Contact Sports

by Peter

Mouthguard Technology for Detecting Concussions in Athletes


Concussions are a major concern in contact sports like football and rugby. Athletes who suffer concussions may experience a range of symptoms, including headache, dizziness, nausea, and memory loss. In severe cases, concussions can lead to permanent brain damage.

Traditional methods of diagnosing concussions rely on subjective reports from athletes and observations by coaches and medical professionals. However, these methods are not always reliable, as athletes may not always be aware of their symptoms or may be reluctant to report them.

FITGuard Mouthguard: A Wearable Technology for Concussion Detection

FITGuard is a revolutionary mouthguard that uses sensors to measure the force of a hit to the head and calculate the likelihood of a concussion. The mouthguard is equipped with LED flashers that light up if a concussion is suspected. At the same time, a smartphone or tablet app connected to the device uploads data describing the force of the hit and activates a set of protocols to guide coaches and parents through the crucial first minutes after a potential concussion.

FITGuard is designed to help identify athletes who need to be evaluated by a physician. It can also help coaches and parents make informed decisions about whether to allow an athlete to return to play.

Benefits of Using FITGuard

FITGuard offers a number of benefits over traditional methods of concussion detection, including:

  • Early detection: FITGuard can detect concussions in real time, allowing for early intervention and treatment.
  • Objective data: FITGuard provides objective data on the force of a hit to the head, which can help healthcare professionals make more accurate diagnoses.
  • Convenience: FITGuard is easy to use and can be worn during practices and games.

How FITGuard Works

FITGuard is worn in the mouth like a traditional mouthguard. When the athlete is hit in the head, the sensors in the mouthguard measure the force of the impact. This data is then sent to the smartphone or tablet app, which calculates the likelihood of a concussion based on the athlete’s age, gender, and medical history.

If a concussion is suspected, the LED flashers in the mouthguard light up and the app activates a set of protocols. These protocols include tests to track symptoms like photosensitivity and memory loss, which can help coaches and parents assess the severity of the concussion and make decisions about whether the athlete should be removed from play.


FITGuard is a promising new technology that has the potential to improve the safety of contact sports. By providing early detection and objective data on concussions, FITGuard can help healthcare professionals make more accurate diagnoses and coaches and parents make informed decisions about athlete safety.

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