Home SciencePsychology The Impact of Technical Glitches on Emotional Connection in Video Calls: How to Overcome Communication Barriers

The Impact of Technical Glitches on Emotional Connection in Video Calls: How to Overcome Communication Barriers

by Rosa

The Impact of Technical Glitches on Emotional Connection in Video Calls

Video calls have become an integral part of our lives, allowing us to connect with loved ones, colleagues, and friends across vast distances. However, technical difficulties can often disrupt these conversations, leading to frustration and hindered communication. Recent research suggests that these glitches can also have a significant impact on our emotional connection with others.

The Psychological Effects of Communication Barriers

Researchers have found that technical glitches during video calls can diminish feelings of unity and belonging between participants. Even in short conversations, a one-second auditory delay can negatively affect perceived solidarity. This is true not only for close relationships but also for acquaintances, although the effect is less pronounced.

Despite the opportunity to attribute these negative feelings to technical problems, participants still reported a decrease in satisfaction with the technology and a sense of disconnect from their conversation partner.

The Role of Technology in Facilitating and Hindering Communication

The proliferation of technology has undoubtedly made communication more accessible and convenient. However, the same technological advancements that enable these connections can also create barriers.

Technical glitches, such as poor internet connections, frozen screens, and audio distortions, can disrupt the flow of conversation and hinder the ability to convey emotions effectively. These disruptions can lead to misunderstandings, frustration, and a sense of isolation.

The Biblical Story of the Tower of Babel and Its Relevance to Communication

The biblical story of the Tower of Babel serves as a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of disrupted communication. In the story, God scatters humanity across the earth by introducing multiple languages, effectively ending a state of unity and solidarity.

Researchers suggest that this parable illustrates how even subtle and less discernible disruptions, such as technical glitches in video calls, can have a similar effect on our social interactions. By obstructing conversational flow, these glitches can undermine unity and belonging.

The Potential of Technology to Undermine Unity and Belonging

While technology has the potential to enhance communication and foster connections, it can also be a double-edged sword. Technical difficulties can create barriers that hinder emotional connection and damage relationships.

Tips for Overcoming Technical Challenges in Video Calls

To mitigate the negative impact of technical glitches on video calls, consider the following tips:

  • Ensure a stable internet connection: A strong and reliable internet connection is essential for smooth video calls. Test your connection speed and troubleshoot any potential issues before starting a call.
  • Use high-quality equipment: Invest in a good webcam, microphone, and headphones to minimize audio and video distortions.
  • Choose the right platform: Different video call platforms have varying features and capabilities. Select a platform that is reliable and offers clear audio and video quality.
  • Minimize distractions: Create a quiet and well-lit environment for your video calls to reduce background noise and visual distractions.
  • Be patient and understanding: Technical difficulties can happen to anyone. Stay calm and be patient with your conversation partner if glitches occur.


Technical glitches in video calls can significantly impact our emotional connection with others. By understanding the psychological effects of these disruptions and taking steps to mitigate them, we can harness the power of technology to facilitate meaningful and fulfilling conversations.

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