Home SciencePaleontology Mill Canyon Dinosaur Tracksite: Damage and Controversy Over Construction Project

Mill Canyon Dinosaur Tracksite: Damage and Controversy Over Construction Project

by Rosa

Mill Canyon Dinosaur Tracksite Damaged by Construction

Paleontological Significance of Mill Canyon

Mill Canyon Dinosaur Tracksite, located near Moab, Utah, is a significant paleontological site containing over 200 preserved dinosaur footprints dating back 112 million years. These footprints, known as ichnotaxa, provide valuable insights into the diverse life that inhabited the region during the early Cretaceous era. The site is particularly notable for its high species diversity, making it one of the most important track sites in North America.

Damage to Dinosaur Tracks

In January 2022, reports emerged that construction equipment had damaged a portion of the dinosaur footprints at Mill Canyon. The damage was discovered by local residents and paleontologists, who expressed shock and concern. According to Utah state paleontologist Jim Kirkland, approximately 20 to 30 percent of the tracks may have been impacted.

Cause of Damage and Responsibility

The damage was reportedly caused by heavy equipment used in the construction of a new elevated concrete boardwalk intended to replace the existing wooden walkway. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which manages the site, approved the construction project in 2021 and stated that any risk to the tracks would be mitigated through flagging and inspections during construction.

However, local experts and paleontologists criticized the BLM for not adequately consulting with them prior to the construction. They argue that the lack of a staff paleontologist at the Moab field office contributed to the oversight and potential damage.

Public Outcry and Legal Action

The damage to Mill Canyon dinosaur tracksite sparked public outcry and led to legal action. The Center for Biological Diversity filed a cease-and-desist letter demanding that the BLM halt construction in the area.

Weather and Erosion as a Factor

Recent weather and erosion may have also contributed to the damage. According to Lee Shenton, president of the Moab chapter of Utah Friends of Paleontology, heavy rain and sandstorms partially concealed the tracks, making them difficult to see. The construction crew may have inadvertently driven over the tracks, unaware of their presence.

Importance of Paleontological Oversight

The damage to Mill Canyon highlights the importance of paleontological oversight during construction projects in areas with known fossil resources. Paleontologists can identify fragile areas, recommend mitigation measures, and monitor construction activities to minimize the risk of damage to paleontological resources.

Ongoing Investigation and Mitigation

The BLM is currently investigating the extent of the damage and implementing mitigation measures to protect the remaining tracks. The agency has stated that it is committed to preserving the paleontological resources at Mill Canyon and will work with paleontologists to ensure the site’s long-term protection.

Unique Value of Mill Canyon Tracksite

Mill Canyon Dinosaur Tracksite is a unique and irreplaceable paleontological resource. The footprints provide a glimpse into the ancient world and offer valuable insights into the evolution and diversity of life on Earth. The damage to the site is a reminder of the importance of protecting and preserving our natural heritage for future generations.

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