Home ScienceNaturalHistory Noah’s Ark: A Scientific Puzzle Solved | Understanding Bishop John Wilkins’ Solution

Noah’s Ark: A Scientific Puzzle Solved | Understanding Bishop John Wilkins’ Solution

by Rosa

Noah’s Ark: A Scientific Puzzle Solved

The Challenge

In the 17th century, a time when science and religion were intertwined, naturalists were discovering an ever-expanding array of plant and animal species. This posed a challenge to those who believed in the biblical account of Noah’s Ark. How could all these newly discovered species have fit on the ark?

Bishop John Wilkins’ Solution

Bishop John Wilkins, a prominent figure of the time, took on the task of reconciling this scientific discovery with biblical authority. In his 1668 text “An Essay Towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language,” Wilkins proposed a solution to the “Atheistical scoffers” who questioned the truth of Scripture.

First-Ever Biological Definition of “Species”

Wilkins’ key innovation was to develop the first-ever biological definition of “species.” By excluding subspecies and hybrids, such as mules, he was able to significantly reduce the number of animals that needed to be accommodated on the ark.

Categorization and Capacity

Wilkins divided the ark into three stories, assigning each to a specific purpose. The lower story housed the beasts, the middle story their food, and the upper story was divided between birds and their food, as well as Noah’s family and utensils.

Wilkins carefully calculated the dimensions of each story, taking into account the height of the animals, the amount of food required, and the space needed for Noah’s family and belongings. He concluded that each story had sufficient capacity for its designated purpose.

Exclusions and Adaptations

To further reduce the number of animals on the ark, Wilkins excluded turtles, seals, crocodiles, and other creatures that could survive in the water. He reasoned that these animals could fend for themselves during the flood.

Scientific Significance

Wilkins’ solution to the Noah’s Ark puzzle was not only a clever theological argument but also a significant scientific moment. By defining “species” and excluding subspecies, he laid the foundation for modern taxonomy.

Long-Tail Keywords

  • How did Bishop John Wilkins fit all the animals on Noah’s Ark?

    • By developing the first-ever biological definition of “species” and excluding subspecies and hybrids.
  • What was the first-ever biological definition of “species”?

    • A definition that excludes subspecies and hybrids.
  • How did John Wilkins leave out sub-species or hybrids on Noah’s Ark?

    • By defining “species” in a way that excluded them.
  • What animals were left to their own devices on Noah’s Ark?

    • Turtles, seals, crocodiles, and other creatures that could survive in the water.
  • Where can I find the oldest Bible online?

    • This article does not provide information on where to find the oldest Bible online.
  • What is the connection between Thomas Jefferson’s Bible and Noah’s Ark?

    • This article does not mention Thomas Jefferson’s Bible or its connection to Noah’s Ark.