Home ScienceMilitary History Animal Mascots in the British and U.S. Navies: A Long-Standing Tradition

Animal Mascots in the British and U.S. Navies: A Long-Standing Tradition

by Rosa

Animal Mascots in the British and U.S. Navies

A Long-Standing Tradition

Throughout history, sailors have often taken animals on board their ships to provide companionship and morale during long voyages. The British Royal Navy has a particularly rich history of adopting animal mascots, with dogs and cats being the most popular choices. However, the Navy has also welcomed a wide variety of other animals into its ranks, including polar bears, parrots, and even goats.

The “Sailor’s Zoo” at Whale Island

The British Royal Navy’s training facility on Whale Island, Portsmouth, was home to a “sailor’s zoo” from 1893 to 1940. The zoo housed a variety of animals, including lions, marsupials, and birds. One of the most famous mascots was Barbara, a polar bear who was rescued from an ice floe near Greenland during World War II. Barbara was retired to Whale Island, where she died before the zoo closed in 1940. She is still buried there today, next to other naval mascots such as Jack the parrot and Amelia the black bear.

Unusual Animal Mascots

In addition to the more traditional animal mascots, the British Navy has also adopted some more unusual animals over the years. These include a lemur crewman named Artful, who was recently adopted by a Royal Navy ship. The Navy has also had a long association with goats, which were traditionally used as a source of food on ships. However, as food supply to ships improved, goats transitioned to pets. The first goat to attend the Army-Navy game was a midshipman’s pet named “El Cid,” who attended a match in 1893. The tradition of taking goats to the Army-Navy game has continued ever since, and “Bill the Goat” is still an official mascot of the U.S. Navy today.

The Role of Animals in the Navy

Animals have played a variety of roles in the Navy, both on and off the ship. On board, they have provided companionship and morale to sailors during long voyages. They have also been used for practical purposes, such as hunting and pest control. Off the ship, animals have been used for ceremonial purposes, such as attending parades and other events.

Animal Welfare

The welfare of animals on ships has been a concern for many years. In the past, animals were often kept in cramped and unsanitary conditions. However, in recent years, the Navy has taken steps to improve the welfare of its animal mascots. Animals are now kept in more spacious and comfortable quarters, and they are given regular veterinary care.

The Ban on Animals on U.S. Navy Ships

In 2015, the U.S. Navy banned animals on its ships. This ban was implemented due to concerns about the safety and welfare of the animals, as well as the potential for animals to spread disease. However, some exceptions to the ban have been made for service animals and animals that are used for specific purposes, such as search and rescue operations.

The Future of Animal Mascots in the Navy

The future of animal mascots in the Navy is uncertain. The ban on animals on U.S. Navy ships has significantly reduced the number of animals serving in the Navy. However, some animals, such as service animals and animals that are used for specific purposes, are still allowed on ships. It is possible that the Navy will continue to allow exceptions to the ban in the future, but it is also possible that the Navy will eventually phase out the use of animal mascots altogether.

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