Home ScienceMarine Biology Golden Orb Found on Ocean Floor Baffles Scientists

Golden Orb Found on Ocean Floor Baffles Scientists

by Jasmine

What Is the Golden Orb Found on the Ocean Floor?

Scientists have discovered a mysterious golden orb on the ocean floor off the coast of Alaska. The orb, which is about four inches in diameter and has a tannish-gold color, has baffled researchers.

Discovery and Description

The orb was discovered on August 30 by scientists exploring the seafloor of the Gulf of Alaska with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The scientists were using the ROV to map deepwater habitats near Alaska as part of NOAA’s Seascape Alaska 5 expedition.

The orb was found stuck tightly to a rock about two miles below the surface of the Pacific Ocean. It is smooth and soft, and has a small hole in it.

Mystery Blob

Scientists are still trying to figure out what the orb is. They have ruled out that it is a rock or a mineral, but they are not sure what it is beyond the fact that it is biological in origin.

Some scientists have suggested that it could be an egg casing, a coral, or an encrusting sponge. However, they have not been able to confirm any of these theories.

The orb’s small hole has also引起了科学家们的兴趣。他们猜测,这个洞可能是某种生物进出过的痕迹。

New Species or Unknown Life Stage?

Scientists believe that the orb could represent a previously undiscovered species, or it may be an existing species going through an unknown life stage.

If it is a new species, it would be a significant discovery. New species are often found in the deep sea, which is home to many undiscovered creatures.

If it is an existing species going through an unknown life stage, it would also be a valuable discovery. It could help scientists learn more about the life cycle of deep-sea creatures.

Importance of Ocean Exploration

The discovery of the golden orb highlights the importance of ocean exploration. The deep sea is a vast and mysterious place, and we have only begun to explore what lives there.

Ocean exploration can lead to new discoveries, such as new species, new medical treatments, and new sources of energy. It can also help us to better understand the地球and our place in it.


The golden orb is a reminder that the deep sea is full of mysteries. Scientists are still learning about the deep sea, and new discoveries are being made all the time.

The discovery of the golden orb is a testament to the importance of ocean exploration. By continuing to explore the deep sea, we can learn more about our planet and the creatures that live in it.

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