Home ScienceHealth and Wellness Navigating Picky Eating: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment Options

Navigating Picky Eating: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment Options

by Rosa

Picky Eating: A Complex Disorder with Potential Solutions

What is Picky Eating?

Picky eating, also known as selective eating, is a disorder characterized by a limited diet and an aversion to certain foods. While children are often picky eaters, the disorder can persist into adulthood, causing significant distress and impairment.

Causes of Picky Eating

The exact causes of picky eating are unknown, but research suggests that several factors may play a role, including:

  • Sensory processing disorder: Individuals with sensory processing disorder may find certain textures, smells, or tastes overwhelming or unpleasant.
  • Obsessive-compulsive tendencies: Some picky eaters exhibit obsessive-compulsive behaviors related to food, such as avoiding certain foods or adhering to strict rules about what they will and will not eat.
  • Genetic factors: Studies have shown that picky eating may have a genetic component.

Social and Career Implications

Picky eating can have a significant impact on a person’s social and professional life. Individuals with this disorder may avoid social gatherings or dining out due to their limited food choices. They may also face discrimination or judgment from others who do not understand their condition. In some cases, picky eating can even hinder career advancement if it interferes with work-related events or travel.

Treatment Options

While there is no cure for picky eating, there are several treatment options that can help individuals expand their culinary horizons:

  • Exposure therapy: This involves gradually introducing new foods to the picky eater in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This type of therapy helps individuals identify and change their negative thoughts and behaviors related to food.
  • Nutritional counseling: A registered dietitian can provide guidance on how to meet nutritional needs with a limited diet.

The Picky Niki Experiment

Niki, a woman with a severe case of picky eating, decided to embark on an experiment to try 365 new foods in one year. She documented her journey on her blog, “Picky Niki: Choking Down 365 New Foods.” While many of the foods she tried were met with disappointment, she gradually discovered some that she could tolerate and even enjoy. Her experiment has inspired others with picky eating to challenge their own food aversions.

Resources for People with Picky Eating

If you or someone you know struggles with picky eating, there are several resources available for support and guidance:


Picky eating is a complex disorder with a variety of potential causes and consequences. While there is no cure, there are several treatment options that can help individuals expand their culinary horizons and improve their quality of life. With support and understanding, individuals with picky eating can overcome their challenges and enjoy a more varied and fulfilling diet.

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