Home ScienceEnvironmental Science Saving Louisiana’s Coast: An Enormous Undertaking | Challenges, Uncertainties, and the Need for Action

Saving Louisiana’s Coast: An Enormous Undertaking | Challenges, Uncertainties, and the Need for Action

by Rosa

Saving Louisiana’s Coast: An Enormous Undertaking

The Problem: Coastal Erosion

Louisiana’s coastline is disappearing at an alarming rate, losing a football field of land every 48 minutes. This is due to a combination of factors, including rising sea levels caused by climate change and the extraction of oil and gas.

The Plan: The Louisiana Coastal Master Plan

The Louisiana Coastal Master Plan is an ambitious and expensive plan to save the state’s coastline. It involves pumping sand into sinking wetlands and diverting the Mississippi River to mimic nature’s process of building the delta. The plan has an estimated price tag of $50 billion.

Challenges and Uncertainties

One of the biggest challenges facing the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan is the uncertainty of whether there is enough sediment in the Mississippi River to rebuild the areas that need it. Dams up and down the river keep sediment from flowing downriver, and improved farming practices have cut back on the sediment load to begin with.

Another challenge is the complexity of the system. Rivers typically build deltas slowly in a random pattern of constantly shifting channels, islands, and sandbars. This makes it difficult to model and predict the effects of the plan on computers.

The Comparison to a “Moon Shot”

Brigadier General Peter Duke DeLuca, formerly of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has compared the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan to a “moon shot.” However, he points out that the stakes are much higher in this case, as people’s homes and livelihoods are at risk.

The Need for Action

Despite the challenges, the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan is an essential undertaking. The state’s coastline is vital to its economy and its way of life. Without action, Louisiana will continue to lose land and its people will be forced to relocate.

The Importance of Science and Engineering

The success of the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan will depend on the expertise of scientists and engineers. They will need to develop new technologies and find innovative ways to rebuild the state’s coastline.

The Role of the Public

The public also has a role to play in saving Louisiana’s coast. By supporting the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan and by taking steps to reduce their own carbon footprint, individuals can help to ensure the future of the state.

Additional Information:

  • The Louisiana Coastal Master Plan is the largest coastal restoration plan in the world.
  • The plan is expected to take 50 years to complete.
  • The plan is funded by a combination of state and federal funds.
  • The plan is supported by a broad coalition of stakeholders, including scientists, engineers, businesses, and environmental groups.

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