Home ScienceEcology Rondônia: A Case Study in Failed Land Use and its Devastating Consequences

Rondônia: A Case Study in Failed Land Use and its Devastating Consequences

by Rosa

Rondônia: A Case Study in Failed Land Use and its Devastating Consequences

The Promise of a New Frontier

In the late 1970s, Brazil, with its vast and untapped Amazon rainforest, embarked on an ambitious project to resettle thousands of unemployed agricultural workers in the state of Rondônia. The government, with funding from the World Bank, envisioned a sustainable development program that would allow settlers to farm commercial crops while preserving the rainforest and protecting indigenous communities.

Resettlement and Deforestation

The resettlement program quickly attracted over a million people, who cleared vast tracts of rainforest to establish farms and build roads. However, the government had failed to assess the soil fertility, and the settlers soon discovered that their crops were not as productive as they had hoped. Desperate for income, they expanded their clearings and some even turned to cattle ranching, which exacerbated conflicts with indigenous tribes.

Social and Ecological Impacts

The deforestation had devastating social and ecological consequences. The clearing of the rainforest created ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes that transmitted malaria, infecting up to 40% of the migrants. Indigenous communities, who had lived in the rainforest for centuries, were exposed to diseases such as measles and chicken pox for the first time.

The influx of settlers also led to conflicts with indigenous tribes, some of whom practiced headhunting for survival and social status. The fringes of the cleared areas became dangerous zones, and violence erupted between settlers and indigenous groups.

Failure of Planning and Lack of Knowledge

The Rondônia resettlement program failed due to a combination of poor government planning and limited knowledge about rainforest ecology. The government had not adequately assessed the soil fertility or the potential social and environmental impacts of the project. As a result, the resettlement program turned into a disaster, causing widespread deforestation, disease, and social conflict.

Lessons Learned and the Importance of Sustainable Land Use

The case of Rondônia provides valuable lessons for future land use projects. It highlights the need for thorough environmental impact assessments, careful planning, and a deep understanding of the local ecology. Sustainable land use practices that balance economic development with environmental conservation are essential to avoid the social and ecological tragedies that occurred in Rondônia.


The Rondônia resettlement program serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of ill-conceived development projects. It underscores the importance of involving local communities, respecting indigenous rights, and conducting rigorous environmental assessments before implementing large-scale land use projects. By learning from the failures of the past, we can work towards more sustainable and equitable land use practices for the future.

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