Home ScienceBotany Monstera Acacoyaguensis: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing and Caring for the Perforated Monstera

Monstera Acacoyaguensis: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing and Caring for the Perforated Monstera

by Rosa

Monstera Acacoyaguensis: A Guide to Growing and Caring for the Unique Perforated Monstera

Botanical Overview

Monstera acacoyaguensis, a member of the Araceae family, is a captivating perennial plant native to Central and South America. Its distinctive feature lies in its large, oval leaves adorned with intricate perforations instead of the typical splits seen in other Monstera species. These unique perforations give the leaves a delicate and ethereal appearance.

Care Requirements


Monstera acacoyaguensis thrives in bright, indirect light, mimicking its natural rainforest habitat. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, while insufficient light can lead to leggy growth and reduced fenestration.


As an epiphytic plant, Monstera acacoyaguensis prefers well-draining potting mixes that allow for air circulation. A blend of orchid bark, vermiculite, and coir is ideal. Avoid heavy potting mixes that can suffocate the roots.


Water the plant thoroughly when the top few inches of soil feel dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. Use a moisture meter to determine the optimal watering schedule.

Temperature and Humidity:

These tropical plants thrive in warm and humid environments. Maintain temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit and provide high humidity levels (at least 50%). Bathrooms are ideal locations for Monstera acacoyaguensis due to their warm and steamy conditions.


Fertilize monthly during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced fertilizer designed for monstera species. Stop fertilizing during fall and winter when the plant is dormant.


Monstera acacoyaguensis does not require heavy pruning. Remove unhealthy or dead leaves to maintain its appearance and direct energy towards healthy growth. Trim back mature plants if they become too tall, cutting up to one-quarter of the plant’s height. You can also remove unruly aerial roots if desired.


Monstera acacoyaguensis is easy to propagate via stem cuttings, air layering, or soil division.

Stem Cuttings:

Take a 6-inch stem cutting with a healthy leaf node. Remove the leaves from the bottom third of the cutting and dip the cut end in rooting hormone. Plant the cutting in a well-draining potting mix and keep it moist. Roots should develop within 3 months.

Air Layering:

Select a stem cutting with a node and a healthy leaf. Make a notch in the stem and insert moist sphagnum moss. Secure the moss with a plastic bag and mist it regularly to keep it moist. Roots will form within 1-2 months.

Soil Division:

Carefully divide the root ball of an existing plant and plant the divisions in separate pots with fresh potting mix.


Repot Monstera acacoyaguensis every 2 years or when it becomes rootbound. Choose a pot 2-3 inches larger than the previous one with ample drainage holes.

Common Pests and Diseases

Monstera acacoyaguensis is relatively pest-resistant, but it can be susceptible to:

  • Mealybugs: Wipe them away with a damp cloth and apply neem oil or insecticidal soap.
  • Spider mites: Treat infestations by increasing humidity and using insecticidal soap.

Common Issues

  • Leaf drop: Ensure temperatures do not drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit and provide adequate humidity.
  • Drooping leaves: Increase humidity or move the plant to a brighter location.
  • Yellowing leaves: Reduce watering frequency and ensure the potting mix drains well.
  • Browning leaves: Protect the plant from direct sunlight, provide adequate water, and increase humidity.

Additional Tips

  • Provide a moss pole: This will help support the plant’s aerial roots and promote lush growth.
  • Rotate the plant: Regular rotation ensures even growth and prevents leaning towards light sources.
  • Be patient: Monstera acacoyaguensis is a slow-growing plant, but it will reward you with its unique and beautiful foliage over time.

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