Home ScienceBotany A Comprehensive Guide to Growing and Caring for Alocasia Odora, the Giant Elephant Ear

A Comprehensive Guide to Growing and Caring for Alocasia Odora, the Giant Elephant Ear

by Peter

How to Grow and Care for Alocasia Odora, the Giant Elephant Ear


Alocasia odora, commonly known as giant elephant ear, Asian taro, or night-scented lily, is a large evergreen perennial native to East and Southeast Asia. It’s a popular ornamental plant due to its impressive leaves, which can reach up to two feet tall at maturity. The entire plant usually grows between six to eight feet tall in ideal conditions.

Growing Conditions

Light: Alocasia odora prefers partial to full shade. Indoors, it should be kept in medium to bright indirect light.

Soil: This alocasia prefers rich, moist, and well-draining soil. When grown as a houseplant or in containers, mix potting soil with plenty of perlite and some orchid bark to provide nutrients and aeration. Outdoors, avoid clay soils and add fresh potting soil, perlite, and sand to improve drainage.

Water: Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Alocasia odora enjoys moist conditions but is sensitive to overwatering and should never be left sitting in wet soil. Ensure proper drainage and monitor conditions to avoid overwatering.

Temperature and Humidity: Alocasia odora thrives in warm temperatures and humid conditions and is hardy in USDA zones 9 to 11. For gardeners outside these zones, it’s better suited as a container plant or houseplant where it can be protected from cold winter temperatures. Keep humidity above 60% for optimal growth.

Fertilizer: Regularly fertilize during spring and summer when the plant is actively growing. Use a balanced liquid or slow-release fertilizer. Avoid fertilizing during dormancy (fall and winter).


The most common method of propagating alocasia odora is by division. Check for separate stems in the pot, indicating new plants with their own corms. Gently pull the plants apart, breaking as few roots as possible. Replant the separated offshoots immediately and keep the soil moist.

Potting and Repotting

Repot alocasia odora grown in containers once it outgrows the pot, usually every one to two years. Choose a pot only two to four inches larger than the previous one. Refresh as much of the potting soil as possible without breaking too many roots.


Once temperatures drop in fall, cut off any remaining foliage and dig up the corms, keeping the roots intact. Wash the dirt from the corms and roots and let them dry out in a warm, dry location for a couple of weeks. Store the corms in a dark location in coco coir in a paper or mesh bag for winter. Rehydrate them in spring by placing them in water for 20 to 25 minutes before planting.

Common Pests and Diseases

Watch out for common pests like spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs on your alocasia odora. It’s also susceptible to root rot and leaf blight. Treat for both pests and diseases promptly and isolate affected plants to prevent spreading.

Common Problems

Yellow Leaves: Insufficient water, humidity, or light; overwatering; too much sun; or too little light.

Brown Leaves: Inadequate humidity; leaf burn from excessive direct sunlight.

Drooping Leaves: Underwatering; lack of light.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is alocasia odora an indoor or outdoor plant? A: Popular both indoors and outdoors, but consider hardiness zones for outdoor growth. Overwinter indoors in colder climates.

Q: Do alocasia odora go dormant? A: Yes, in fall and winter, even indoors. Don’t be alarmed if it drops all its leaves; cut back on watering and keep the pot in its usual location for it to regrow in spring.

Q: Does alocasia odora like to be misted? A: Instead of misting, use a small humidifier or place the plant in a humid room, such as a bathroom, to increase humidity levels.

Additional Tips

  • Enhance humidity by using a humidifier or placing plants in naturally humid rooms like bathrooms.
  • Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.
  • Repot when roots start to grow out of the drainage holes.
  • Monitor soil moisture and adjust watering frequency accordingly.
  • Ensure proper drainage to prevent root rot.
  • Protect from cold temperatures,尤其是成年人,热爱温暖。

By following these care instructions, you can successfully grow and enjoy the stunning foliage of alocasia odora, bringing a touch of the tropics into your home or garden.

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