Home ScienceBiotechnology Anthrobots: Tiny Robots Made from Human Cells with Wound-Healing Potential

Anthrobots: Tiny Robots Made from Human Cells with Wound-Healing Potential

by peter

Tiny Robots Made from Human Cells Show Wound-Healing Promise

What are Anthrobots?

Anthrobots are tiny groups of human cells that can move on their own. They are made from adult human lung cells and are covered in hairlike structures called cilia. These cilia enable the anthrobots to move in tight loops, travel in straight lines, or wiggle in place.

How Anthrobots Were Created

Scientists at Tufts University developed anthrobots by culturing adult human lung cells for two weeks. During this time, the cells grew into multicellular biobots. The researchers then grew the cells in a solution that prompted the cilia to face outward, enabling the structures to move the anthrobots.

Anthrobots and Wound Healing

In a lab experiment, anthrobots were shown to heal wounds in a layer of neurons. The researchers scratched a layer of neurons in a dish and then introduced anthrobots to the site of the scratch. Within days, the neurons regrew, bridging the gap created by the wound.

Potential Applications of Anthrobots

The researchers believe that anthrobots could one day be used to treat diseases or aid with healing in humans. They are particularly excited about the potential of anthrobots in regenerative medicine.

Advantages of Anthrobots over Xenobots

Anthrobots have several advantages over xenobots, which are tiny robots made from frog embryo cells. Unlike xenobots, anthrobots do not require tweezers or scalpels to give them shape. They can also be made from adult cells, even cells from elderly patients. Additionally, anthrobots can be produced in swarms, which is a good start for developing a therapeutic tool.

How Anthrobots Work

The researchers are still not sure how anthrobots are able to heal wounds. However, they believe that the anthrobots may release substances that promote healing. Other substances, such as starch and silicon, did not produce the same result in other experiments.

Future Research

The researchers are continuing to study anthrobots to learn more about their potential applications. They are also working to develop ways to control the movement and function of anthrobots.


Anthrobots are a promising new technology with the potential to revolutionize the field of regenerative medicine. Further research is needed to learn more about their potential applications and to develop ways to control their movement and function.

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