Home ScienceBiotechnology Aquaporin Filter: A Game-Changing Water Recycling Solution for Space and Beyond

Aquaporin Filter: A Game-Changing Water Recycling Solution for Space and Beyond

by Rosa

Aquaporin Filter: A Revolutionary Water Recycling Solution for Space and Beyond

Water Scarcity in Space

Astronauts face a critical challenge in space: water scarcity. Water is essential for survival, but it is also heavy and expensive to transport into orbit. Currently, astronauts are limited to three gallons of water per day, which is insufficient for long-term missions.

Traditional Urine Filtration Systems

To address this challenge, astronauts have been drinking distilled urine since 2009. However, the current urine filtration systems are heavy, slow, and prone to breakdowns. They use high-speed spinning and chemical treatment to separate water vapor from urine.

The Aquaporin Filter

Aquaporin A/S, a Danish biotech company, has developed a revolutionary new filter that uses aquaporin proteins to efficiently extract clean water from urine, sweat, wastewater, and other liquid sources available in space. Aquaporins are proteins found in cell membranes that allow water to pass through while blocking other substances.

How the Aquaporin Filter Works

The Aquaporin filter mimics the water filtration process of the human kidney. It consists of two tubes connected to an energy source. Urine is drawn from one container through the filter and into another container in less than a minute. The filter is small, lightweight, and less likely to clog than traditional systems.

Benefits of the Aquaporin Filter

  • High efficiency: Aquaporin filters can recycle up to 6,000 liters of water per year, making them suitable for long-term space missions.
  • Compact and lightweight: The filter’s small size and weight make it ideal for space applications where space is limited.
  • Low energy consumption: The filter operates on low energy, reducing the power requirements for water recycling systems.
  • Reliability: Aquaporin filters are less prone to breakdowns than traditional systems, ensuring a reliable supply of clean water.

Testing and Validation

Aquaporin A/S has been collaborating with NASA since 2011 to test prototypes of the Aquaporin filter in a laboratory setting. The filter has also undergone testing on the International Space Station by European Space Agency astronaut Andreas Mogensen. The filtered water samples were returned to Earth for analysis.

Applications Beyond Space

While the Aquaporin filter was initially developed for space missions, it has the potential to provide clean water solutions in other water-scarce environments. Aquaporin A/S aims to bring the device to developing countries and drought-ridden areas where access to clean water is a major challenge.


The Aquaporin filter represents a significant advancement in water recycling technology. Its efficiency, compactness, and reliability make it an ideal solution for long-term space missions. Furthermore, its potential applications beyond space underscore its transformative potential for addressing water scarcity challenges worldwide.

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