Home ScienceAviation and Aerospace The Antonov AN-225: The World’s Largest Aircraft Destroyed in Ukraine

The Antonov AN-225: The World’s Largest Aircraft Destroyed in Ukraine

by Rosa

The Antonov AN-225: The World’s Largest Aircraft Destroyed in Ukraine


The Antonov AN-225, also known as the Mriya (“dream” in Ukrainian), was the largest aircraft in the world. It was initially built as part of the Soviet Union’s space program in the 1960s and 1970s to transport the Buran space shuttle. After the Buran project was canceled, the AN-225 was repurposed for heavy lifting civil and commercial projects.

Destruction in Ukraine

On February 24, 2022, Russian forces invaded Ukraine. During the fourth day of the invasion, the AN-225 was reportedly destroyed at an airfield near Kyiv. The aircraft was undergoing maintenance at the time and could not take off.

Ukrainian officials have vowed to rebuild the Mriya, and the Antonov company has stated that it will charge Russia the estimated $3 billion cost to replace it.

Design and Capabilities

The AN-225 was a truly unique aircraft. It had a wingspan of 290 feet and a length of 276 feet. It could transport up to 551,000 pounds of cargo at speeds of 528 miles per hour.

The AN-225 was designed with six engines, giving it exceptional power and lift capacity. It also had a reinforced fuselage and landing gear to accommodate its heavy cargo loads.

Humanitarian Missions

Throughout its operational history, the AN-225 played a vital role in humanitarian aid missions around the world. It delivered relief supplies to Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake and transported medical equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The aircraft’s massive cargo capacity and long range made it an invaluable asset for transporting large quantities of aid to disaster-stricken areas.


The destruction of the Mriya is a significant loss for the aviation community and the world at large. It was a symbol of human ingenuity and engineering prowess.

The aircraft’s legacy will live on through the humanitarian missions it carried out and the inspiration it provided to generations of aviation enthusiasts.

Expert Commentary

Bob van der Linden, curator of air transportation at the National Air and Space Museum, said of the AN-225: “It was a highly capable tool that was particularly adept at transporting massive quantities of relief materials throughout the world.”

He added that the aircraft’s destruction is a “great loss” for the aviation industry and for those who rely on humanitarian aid.

Future Plans

The Antonov company has announced plans to rebuild the Mriya. The new aircraft will be based on the original design but will incorporate modern materials and technologies.

The company estimates that the new Mriya will be completed within five years. It will continue to be used for humanitarian missions and other specialized cargo transport operations.

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