Home ScienceAstronomy Supermoons: A Guide to the Moon’s Closest Encounters

Supermoons: A Guide to the Moon’s Closest Encounters

by peter

Supermoons: A Celestial Spectacle

What is a Supermoon?

A supermoon occurs when the moon is in its full or new phase and passes through its closest point to Earth, known as perigee. This celestial event makes the moon appear larger and brighter than usual.

The Recent Supermoon

On January 2, 2018, the first supermoon of the year graced the night sky. This supermoon, also known as the “wolf moon,” was the second in a supermoon trio that began on December 3rd and will conclude on January 31st.

Characteristics of a Supermoon

During a supermoon, the moon appears approximately 14% larger and 30% brighter than when it is at its farthest point from Earth. However, these differences can be subtle to the naked eye.

Importance of Supermoons

Despite their modest visual impact, supermoons are still significant events. They provide an opportunity to marvel at the beauty of the cosmos and appreciate the moon’s proximity to our planet.

Full Moon Names: A Cultural Tradition

Throughout history, different cultures have assigned names to each full moon based on seasonal activities or events. For example, the “wolf moon” is associated with the howling of wolves during winter.

The Blue Moon Supermoon Eclipse

The next supermoon in the series, on January 31st, will also be a “Blue Moon,” which refers to the second full moon in a calendar month. This particular Blue Moon will be accompanied by a lunar eclipse, giving the moon a striking reddish hue.

Tips for Observing Supermoons

To make the most of a supermoon, find a location with unobstructed views of the sky. Use binoculars or a telescope to enhance your observation. If possible, photograph the supermoon to capture its majestic appearance.

When to See the Next Supermoon

The next supermoon will occur on January 31, 2018. It will be the second full moon of the month, earning it the title of Blue Moon. This supermoon will also coincide with a lunar eclipse, making it a rare “blue supermoon eclipse.”

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