Home ScienceAstronomy Manhattanhenge 2023: The Ultimate Guide to Viewing and Photographing the Celestial Spectacle

Manhattanhenge 2023: The Ultimate Guide to Viewing and Photographing the Celestial Spectacle

by Rosa

Manhattanhenge 2023: Where to Go and How to Photograph It

What is Manhattanhenge?

Manhattanhenge is a natural phenomenon that occurs four times a year when the setting sun aligns perfectly with the east-west streets of Manhattan, creating a breathtaking celestial spectacle. The term “Manhattanhenge” was coined by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

When is Manhattanhenge 2023?

The dates for Manhattanhenge 2023 are as follows:

  • Monday, May 29, at 8:13 PM (half sun)
  • Tuesday, May 30, at 8:12 PM (full sun)
  • Wednesday, July 12, at 8:20 PM (full sun)
  • Thursday, July 13, at 8:21 PM (half sun)

Where to See Manhattanhenge

The best places to view Manhattanhenge are along the east-west streets of Manhattan, as far east as possible while still having a clear view of New Jersey to the west. Some of the best cross streets include 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd, and 57th streets, as well as the streets adjacent to them. The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building offer particularly striking vistas from 34th and 42nd streets, respectively.

You can also get a great view of Manhattanhenge from across the river in Queens.

Tips for Photographing Manhattanhenge

To capture the perfect Manhattanhenge photo, follow these tips:

  • Arrive at your viewing spot at least 30 minutes early to secure a good location.
  • Use a wide-angle lens to capture the entire scene.
  • Set your camera to manual mode and use a slow shutter speed (e.g., 1/30 second) to capture the movement of the sun.
  • Use a tripod to stabilize your camera and prevent blurry photos.
  • If you want to capture half of the sun above the horizon, shoot on May 29th or July 13th.
  • If you want to capture the full sun above the horizon, shoot on May 30th or July 12th.

Other Manhattanhenge Events

In addition to the main Manhattanhenge viewing dates, there are also other events and programs related to the phenomenon:

  • On May 30th, at 7 p.m., there will be a public program at the Hayden Planetarium highlighting the history and astronomy of Manhattanhenge.
  • The Museum of Natural History also offers a variety of educational resources about Manhattanhenge on its website.


Manhattanhenge is a unique and awe-inspiring natural phenomenon that is not to be missed. By following these tips, you can experience the beauty of Manhattanhenge and capture stunning photographs of this celestial spectacle.

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