Home ScienceAstronomy Asteroid Bennu: Close Approach to Earth in 2182 and Potential Impact Risk

Asteroid Bennu: Close Approach to Earth in 2182 and Potential Impact Risk

by Rosa

Asteroid Bennu: Close Encounter with Earth in 2182

Asteroid Bennu

Asteroid Bennu, a half-mile-wide celestial body, is currently about 190 million miles from Earth. Scientists have calculated that Bennu will make a close approach to our planet on September 24, 2182.

Impact Probability

While the odds are slim, there is a chance that Bennu could collide with Earth. Scientists give it a one-in-1,175 (0.0037%) chance of impact.

Factors Affecting Bennu’s Trajectory

The asteroid’s trajectory could be affected by various factors, including:

  • A nearby flyby in 2135
  • Gravitational forces from the sun, Earth, and moon
  • The Yarkovsky effect, where asteroids accelerate after absorbing heat from the sun

Gravitational Keyhole

As Bennu zooms by Earth in 2135, it will pass through a gravitational keyhole that could alter its trajectory and send it on a collision course with our planet.

Potential Impact Consequences

If Bennu were to impact Earth, it could create a crater at least five kilometers in diameter, with an area of devastation extending up to 100 times that size. An impact on the Eastern Seaboard states could have catastrophic consequences for the entire coast.

Planetary Defense

Scientists emphasize that there is no immediate cause for concern. The potential impact is still 161 years away, giving ample time for monitoring and potential mitigation efforts.

OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft landed on Bennu in 2018 and collected valuable data that helped scientists refine their calculations on the asteroid’s threat to Earth.

Ongoing Monitoring

Scientists continue to track Bennu’s trajectory closely. They will use this information to make informed decisions about potential mitigation strategies if necessary.

International Cooperation

International efforts are underway to mitigate the risks posed by near-Earth objects like Bennu. Scientists and engineers from around the world are collaborating on research and developing technologies to deflect or destroy asteroids that pose a threat to our planet.

Long-Term Implications

The potential impact of Bennu serves as a reminder of the importance of planetary defense. By understanding the risks posed by asteroids and investing in research and mitigation efforts, we can help ensure the safety of our planet and future generations.

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