Home ScienceAstronomy and Astrophysics The Boomerang Nebula: The Coldest Place in the Known Universe

The Boomerang Nebula: The Coldest Place in the Known Universe

by Rosa

The Boomerang Nebula: The Coldest Place in the Universe


As the winter days grow colder, it’s hard to imagine a place that could be even more frigid. But in the vastness of space, there exists a nebula that is so cold, it’s just a hair above absolute zero. This cosmic wonder is known as the Boomerang Nebula.

The Boomerang Nebula: A Dying Star’s Legacy

The Boomerang Nebula is located about 5,000 light-years from Earth. It is the result of a dying star, which has shed its outer layers of gas as it nears the end of its life. This gas is expanding away from the star, cooling as it goes.

Absolute Zero: The Coldest Possible Temperature

Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature that anything can reach. It is the point at which all atomic motion ceases. The Boomerang Nebula is just barely warmer than absolute zero, at a temperature of minus 458 degrees Fahrenheit or 1 degree Kelvin.

Measuring the Coldest Place

Scientists have been able to measure the temperature of the Boomerang Nebula by observing how it absorbs the cosmic microwave background radiation. This radiation is a remnant of the Big Bang, and it is relatively warm at 2.8 Kelvin.

The Boomerang Nebula’s Unique Properties

The Boomerang Nebula is unique because it is the only known place in the universe that is colder than absolute zero. It is also notable for its distinctive shape, which resembles a boomerang or a bow tie. The nebula is only visible because starlight reflects off its floating dust grains.

The Cold Atom Lab: A New Frontier

The Boomerang Nebula’s reign as the coldest place in the universe may soon come to an end. In 2016, NASA plans to launch the Cold Atom Lab, which will be able to reach temperatures of 1/10 billionth of a degree above absolute zero. This will allow scientists to explore a previously inaccessible regime of extremely low temperatures, where they hope to observe interesting and novel quantum phenomena.


The Boomerang Nebula is a fascinating cosmic object that has captured the attention of scientists and astronomers alike. Its extreme cold and unique properties make it a valuable tool for studying the fundamental laws of physics. As scientists continue to explore the Boomerang Nebula and other cold regions of space, we may gain a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it.

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