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Pluto’s Planet Status: A Reassessment in Light of Fifth Moon Discovery

by Jasmine

Pluto’s Planet Status: A Reassessment

Discovery of Fifth Moon Reopens Debate

The discovery of a fifth moon orbiting Pluto has reignited the debate over whether the icy body should be reclassified as a planet. Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet status in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), but some scientists believe that the new finding warrants a reconsideration.

IAU Planet Definition

According to the IAU, a planet must meet three criteria:

  1. It must orbit the Sun.
  2. It must have sufficient mass to assume a hydrostatic equilibrium shape (nearly round).
  3. It must have cleared its orbit of other objects.

Pluto meets the first two criteria, but it fails the third. Its orbit intersects with that of Neptune, and it has not cleared its path of other objects. This led the IAU to classify Pluto as a dwarf planet, a category of objects that are too large to be called asteroids but do not meet the full criteria for планеты.

Arguments for Reclassification

Some scientists argue that the IAU’s definition of a planet is too narrow and that Pluto should be reclassified as a planet because it has five moons. Moons are often considered a sign of planetary status, as they indicate that the object has sufficient gravity to attract and hold onto other celestial bodies.

However, the IAU has stated that the presence or absence of moons is not a factor in determining whether an object is a planet. The focus is on the object’s orbital characteristics and its ability to clear its orbit.

Implications for New Horizons Mission

The discovery of the fifth moon, known as P5, has important implications for the New Horizons spacecraft, which is scheduled to rendezvous with Pluto in July 2015. The spacecraft will need to navigate through a field of debris surrounding Pluto, and the presence of additional moons could pose a hazard.

Naming the Moons

The names of Pluto’s fifth and fourth moons have yet to be determined, but they will likely follow the Hades/underworld theme that has been used for Pluto’s other moons, Charon, Hydra, and Nix.

Ongoing Debate

The debate over Pluto’s planet status is likely to continue for some time. The discovery of the fifth moon has added fuel to the fire, but the IAU has no plans to revisit the issue anytime soon. For now, Pluto remains a dwarf planet, but the possibility of a future reclassification cannot be ruled out.

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