Home ScienceAnimal Behavior Can Monkeys Think Like Humans? Exploring Theory of Mind and Animal Cognition

Can Monkeys Think Like Humans? Exploring Theory of Mind and Animal Cognition

by Jasmine

Can Monkeys Think Like Humans?

Theory of Mind and Animal Cognition

Humans have a remarkable ability to understand the thoughts and intentions of others. This is known as theory of mind. For decades, scientists believed that only humans possessed theory of mind. However, recent research suggests that other primates, such as chimpanzees and monkeys, may also have this ability.

One way to test for theory of mind is to observe how animals behave in situations where they have to infer the knowledge or intentions of others. For example, in the classic “Sally-Anne” experiment, a child watches a person hide a ball in one of two boxes. The person then leaves the room, and a second person moves the ball to the other box. When the first person returns, the child is asked where they think the person will look for the ball. Children who have developed theory of mind will typically say that the person will look in the first box, where they last saw it. This suggests that they understand that the person has a false belief about the location of the ball.

Monkeys and Theory of Mind

Researchers have conducted similar experiments with monkeys to test their theory of mind abilities. One study, led by psychologist Laurie Santos, involved presenting monkeys with two grapes placed on sticks a few feet apart. A human experimenter would then stand behind one of the grapes, either facing the monkey or facing away. The researchers found that the monkeys were more likely to steal the grape from the experimenter who was facing away, suggesting that they understood that the experimenter could not see them.

This study provides evidence that monkeys may have a basic understanding of theory of mind. However, it is important to note that monkeys’ theory of mind abilities may be limited compared to humans. For example, monkeys may not be able to understand false beliefs, which are beliefs that are not based on reality.

The Role of Language and Culture

One of the key differences between humans and monkeys is our capacity for language. Language allows us to communicate complex ideas and to share information about our thoughts and feelings. This may be one of the reasons why humans have more sophisticated theory of mind abilities than monkeys.

Culture also plays a role in the development of theory of mind. Humans are raised in social environments that encourage us to cooperate and communicate with others. This may help us to develop a better understanding of the minds of others.

The Limits of Monkey Cognition

While monkeys may have some theory of mind abilities, their cognitive abilities are still limited compared to humans. For example, monkeys may not be able to understand the intentions of others or to plan for the future. This may be due to differences in brain structure and function between humans and monkeys.


The research on theory of mind in monkeys is still ongoing. However, the evidence suggests that monkeys may have some basic theory of mind abilities. These abilities may be limited compared to humans, but they are still impressive given the evolutionary distance between humans and monkeys.

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