Home ScienceAgriculture Growing and Caring for Hazelnut Trees: A Comprehensive Guide

Growing and Caring for Hazelnut Trees: A Comprehensive Guide

by Jasmine

Growing and Caring for Hazelnut Trees


Hazelnut trees (Corylus avellana), also known as filberts, are attractive small trees or shrubs that produce delicious nuts. In addition to their culinary value, hazelnuts are prized for their ornamental appeal.


  • When to Plant: Plant hazelnut trees during their dormancy period, preferably in late winter or early spring.
  • Selecting a Planting Site: Choose a location that receives at least 8 hours of full sunlight daily. The soil should be rich, well-drained, and slightly acidic (pH 6.3-6.8).
  • Spacing, Depth, and Support: Space trees 15 to 18 feet apart. Dig a hole wide and deep enough to accommodate the J-shaped root system. Place a small amount of soil in the hole and spread out the roots. Cover the top root with 2 to 3 inches of soil. Tamp down the soil and water deeply.


  • Light: For optimal flower and nut production, place hazelnuts in a location that receives full sun most of the day. They will tolerate partial shade, but flower production will decrease.
  • Soil: Hazelnut trees are adaptable to various soil types, but they prefer well-drained sandy loams. Avoid densely packed soils, clays, or rocky soils.
  • Water: Water hazelnuts regularly, especially during dry periods. Established trees require approximately 10 gallons of water per inch of trunk diameter each week.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Hazelnuts thrive in temperate climates (USDA zones 4-8). They do not tolerate extreme cold, heat, or high humidity.
  • Fertilizer: For best results, fertilize hazelnuts in the fall with an organic slow-release fruiting tree fertilizer. Follow the product label instructions for application rates.


If you intend to grow European hazelnuts for their nuts, you need at least two different varieties of Corylus avellana to ensure cross-pollination. Popular varieties include ‘Jefferson’, ‘McDonald’, ‘PollyO’, ‘Wepster’, and ‘Yamhill’. Nursery catalogs typically indicate which varieties pollinate best with each other.


  • Ripe Nuts: Ripe hazelnuts drop on their own over the course of a few weeks.
  • Collecting Nuts: Collect nuts regularly before wildlife snaps them up. Alternatively, place a tarp or old sheet below the hazelnut bush and gently shake it to loosen the nuts.

Growing in Pots

Due to their extensive root system, hazelnut trees are not suitable for container gardening.


  • Suckers: Cut away the suckers that all hazelnuts develop. Remove any suckers that interfere with the main branches.
  • Lateral Branches: Avoid removing lateral branches that shield the trunk from sun exposure. Excessive pruning can lead to prolific sprouting.


Hazelnut trees are typically propagated by layering or grafting, techniques best left to nursery professionals. Growing them from seed is not recommended.


European hazelnut trees can survive winters as low as Zone 4. However, they bloom earlier than their American counterparts, so they may be damaged by unseasonably cold early spring weather. Select varieties that are hardy for your geographical area.

Common Pests and Diseases

  • Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB): This fungus causes cankers and kills the tree within a few years. Select cultivars that have been bred for resistance.
  • Pests: Pests that can affect hazelnuts include scale and Japanese beetles.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take for a hazelnut tree to bear fruit?
    • It takes about four years until the first light harvest. Starting in the sixth and seventh years, you can expect a heavier yield.
  • Can you plant just one hazelnut tree?
    • If you are only interested in the ornamental value of hazelnuts, one specimen is sufficient. For nut production, you need two or more varieties that cross-pollinate.
  • Are there different types of hazelnuts?
    • There are several types of hazelnuts. The most significant types for nut production in North America are European hazelnuts, American hazelnuts (Corylus americana), and beaked hazelnuts (Corylus cornuta).

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