Home LifeWorkplace Culture Lunching Amid Nature and Wildlife: Cafeteria Culture in a Kolkata Multiplex

Lunching Amid Nature and Wildlife: Cafeteria Culture in a Kolkata Multiplex

by Jasmine

Cafeteria Culture in a Kolkata Multiplex: A Unique Dining Experience

Lunching Amid Nature and Wildlife

Nestled within a swanky multiplex in the heart of Kolkata, the makeshift cafeteria offers a unique dining experience that is far from ordinary. As you step onto the terrace, you’re greeted by a chorus of caws and purrs from crows, sparrows, and cats that eagerly anticipate your arrival.

Under a makeshift cloth ceiling, white plastic chairs and tables dot the floor, creating a cozy and casual ambiance. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air, mingling with the tantalizing scents of spices and herbs emanating from the temporary cooking area.

Cultural Diversity on a Plate

The cafeteria’s menu is a testament to the diverse culinary traditions of Kolkata. Local employees savor the staple Bengali dishes of rice, lentils, and spicy fish curry. However, those with different dietary preferences may find the menu somewhat limited.

Despite being a Bengali herself, the author admits to denouncing the fish-centric menu, fearing the mockery of being labeled a “Fishy Bong.” Instead, she embraces the camaraderie of her lunch mates, who hail from various regions of India and bring their own culinary contributions to the table.

A Transient Oasis

While the cafeteria may lack the grandeur of its surroundings, it serves as a vital social hub for the office workers. Ascending two flights of stairs and navigating a maze of pipes and generators, they gather here daily to share their meals, stories, and laughter.

The cafeteria’s makeshift nature adds to its charm. During monsoon season, they huddle together under dry spots as rainwater seeps through the cloth ceiling. On scorching summer afternoons, they devour their lunches in seconds and retreat to the air-conditioning. And when dust storms strike, they find shelter behind a semi-constructed brick wall.

Resilience and Camaraderie

Despite its shortcomings, the makeshift cafeteria has become an integral part of the office culture. Its transient, tent-like ambiance fosters a sense of community and belonging among the employees. They come together to celebrate their shared experiences, vent about frustrations, and gossip about the latest office happenings.

A Colorful Addition

In the midst of their plain vanilla workdays, the makeshift cafeteria serves as a vibrant splash of color. Its quirky charm and casual atmosphere provide a welcome respite from the mundane routine. While it may not be the most sophisticated dining establishment, it holds a special place in the hearts of the office workers who find solace and camaraderie within its walls.

Through its unique blend of nature, wildlife, and cultural diversity, the makeshift cafeteria in this Kolkata multiplex offers a dining experience that is both memorable and authentic. It is a testament to the resilience and camaraderie of the human spirit, finding joy and connection in the most unexpected of places.