Home LifeWildlife Lemmings: Debunking the Myths and Misconceptions

Lemmings: Debunking the Myths and Misconceptions

by Zuzana

Lemmings: Myths and Misconceptions

Lemmings are small, burrowing rodents that live in the Arctic regions. They are known for their dramatic population booms, which have led to many myths and misconceptions about their behavior.

The Myth of Lemming Suicide

One of the most persistent myths about lemmings is that they commit mass suicide by jumping off cliffs. This myth is likely based on a 1958 Disney documentary called White Wilderness, which showed dozens of lemmings tumbling down a cliff. However, this footage was later revealed to be fake. The lemmings were actually tipped into the sea from a truck.

In reality, lemmings do not commit suicide. When their populations become too dense, they will set off en masse to find new territory. These migrations can sometimes lead to large numbers of lemmings drowning in rivers or falling off cliffs. However, this is not a deliberate act of suicide.

The Myth of Exploding Lemmings

Another common myth about lemmings is that they explode when they get angry. This myth is likely based on the fact that lemmings are very territorial and will often fight to the death. However, they do not explode.

The Truth About Lemming Population Booms

Lemming populations fluctuate dramatically, with booms and busts occurring every few years. The cause of these fluctuations is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to factors such as food availability, predation, and disease.

During a population boom, lemmings will reproduce rapidly and spread out into new areas. This can lead to overcrowding and competition for resources. As a result, many lemmings will die from starvation, predation, or disease.

Other Myths About Lemmings

In addition to the myths about suicide and exploding, there are a number of other misconceptions about lemmings. For example, some people believe that lemmings are always migrating. However, lemmings only migrate when their populations become too dense.

Another common myth is that lemmings are stupid. However, lemmings are actually quite intelligent animals. They are able to learn and adapt to their environment.


Lemmings are fascinating creatures that have been the subject of many myths and misconceptions. However, the truth about lemmings is much more interesting than the myths. These small rodents are resilient and adaptable animals that play an important role in the Arctic ecosystem.

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