Home LifeTravel A Journey of Firsts: New York to Mumbai, By Way of Amsterdam

A Journey of Firsts: New York to Mumbai, By Way of Amsterdam

by Kim

New York to Mumbai, By Way of Amsterdam: A Journey of Firsts

Departure from New York

My journey began in the bustling metropolis of New York City, where I embarked on a flight to Amsterdam. This was my first time flying internationally, and the anticipation filled me with excitement. The departure time was in the afternoon, allowing for a comfortable flight. Upon arrival in Amsterdam just after midnight, I was greeted by the city’s enchanting ambiance.

Amsterdam Layover

Amsterdam, a city I had visited several times, welcomed me with its familiar charm. The short layover provided an opportunity to explore its picturesque canals and admire its iconic architecture.

Flight to Mumbai

From Amsterdam, I boarded a flight bound for Mumbai, my first destination outside the United States. As the plane ascended, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe. This was my first time flying as an airline pilot completely outside the country.

During the flight, I took over the flying duties and marveled at the breathtaking scenery below. We flew over the Caspian Sea, the vast expanse of northern Turkey, and the rugged terrain of Iran. The high elevation required us to plan escape routes in case of emergencies, another first for me.

Arrival in Mumbai

As we approached Mumbai, the city below was illuminated by a dazzling display of fireworks. It was Diwali, the Festival of Lights, one of the most important festivals in India. The vibrant celebration filled the air with joy and wonder.

Upon landing, I was struck by the unique time zone, which was a half hour off my previous location. This was yet another first for me during this extraordinary journey.

Exploring Mumbai

My layover in Mumbai provided a glimpse into the vibrant culture of India. I witnessed the traditional art forms, tasted the delicious cuisine, and immersed myself in the bustling markets. The city’s energy and diversity left an unforgettable impression on me.

Nations Flown Over

During this journey, I had the privilege of flying over several nations that I had never experienced before:

  • Iran
  • Pakistan
  • Afghanistan
  • India
  • Turkmenistan
  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia

Each country offered its own unique landscape and cultural heritage, enriching my understanding of the world.

Memorable Moments

This journey was filled with numerous memorable moments:

  • Witnessing the spectacular fireworks display during Diwali
  • Flying over the highest terrain I had ever encountered
  • Navigating the challenges of international flight planning
  • Experiencing the diverse cultures of Amsterdam and Mumbai

Personal Reflections

This journey was not merely about reaching a destination but about embracing new experiences and expanding my horizons. It taught me the importance of adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and the joy of exploring the unknown. As I returned to New York, I carried with me a wealth of memories and a newfound appreciation for the world’s diversity.

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