Home LifeTravel and Culture The Soul of Memphis: A Journey Through Music, History, and the Realness of an American City

The Soul of Memphis: A Journey Through Music, History, and the Realness of an American City

by Kim

Jamie Katz on the “Soul of Memphis”

Memphis: A City Steeped in Music and History

Jamie Katz, a seasoned magazine editor and writer, embarked on a journey to Memphis, a city renowned for its rich musical heritage and captivating history. His assignment was to capture the essence of “The Soul of Memphis” in a travelogue for Smithsonian magazine.

The Allure of Memphis

Katz’s personal connection to music, particularly jazz and blues, drew him to Memphis. The city’s location on the Mississippi River, the “central nervous system of American music,” further ignited his curiosity. The upcoming anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination added another layer of significance to his exploration, shedding light on the city’s complex racial history.

A Journey Through Time: The Mississippi River Museum

One of Katz’s most memorable experiences in Memphis was at the Mississippi River Museum on Mud Island. The museum features a remarkable five-block scale model of the Mississippi River, meticulously depicting its bends, towns, and floodplains. Katz took advantage of the scorching heat to shed his shoes and wade through the cool stream of water that ran through the model, immersing himself in the grandeur of the river.

The Heartbeat of Memphis: Beale Street

No visit to Memphis would be complete without experiencing the vibrant music scene on Beale Street. Katz describes it as a “proper shrine” to the city’s musical legacy, where the infectious beat and heartfelt melodies of blues and jazz continue to reverberate.

The Realness of Memphis

In a world where cities often strive to become sanitized theme parks, Katz finds Memphis refreshingly untouched by this trend. He marvels at the city’s “realness,” its authenticity and unvarnished character that have preserved its rich history and humanity.

Embracing Underdog Cities

Through his travels, Katz hopes to inspire readers to embrace and support “underdog cities” like Memphis, places that have faced challenges but retain their unique character and resilience. He believes that these cities are an integral part of American society and deserve to be cherished and celebrated.

A Personal Reflection

Katz concludes his travelogue with a poignant reflection on his time in Memphis. He speaks of the profound impact the city’s history, music, and people have had on him. He encourages readers to seek out the “soul” of their own cities, to appreciate the stories and experiences that make each place special.

Additional Explorations:

  • The Memphis Music Hall of Fame: This museum showcases the city’s legendary musicians and their contributions to American music.
  • Graceland: The iconic home of Elvis Presley, a symbol of Memphis’s enduring musical legacy.
  • The National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel: A poignant tribute to the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the struggle for civil rights.


Jamie Katz’s journey to Memphis reveals a city that is both captivating and profound. Its rich musical heritage, complex history, and authentic spirit make it a destination that resonates with travelers seeking a deeper connection to the soul of America.

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