Home LifeSociety Racism in Japan: A Growing Problem | Foreign Residents Speak Out

Racism in Japan: A Growing Problem | Foreign Residents Speak Out

by Zuzana

Racism in Japan: A Growing Problem

Foreign Residents Speak Out

Japan is experiencing a surge in foreign visitors and residents, but this influx has also brought with it an increase in racial intolerance. To address this issue, the Japanese government has launched an unprecedented survey of 18,500 foreign residents to gather data on their experiences with racial discrimination.

The survey, which is available in 13 languages, will ask foreign residents over the age of 17 to describe incidents of racial intolerance they have encountered in the workplace and other settings. The results will provide the first comprehensive, non-anecdotal glimpse into the extent of racism faced by Japan’s foreign population.

A Changing Society

Japan’s growing diversity is a relatively recent phenomenon. In the past, Japanese society was largely homogeneous, but today, over 2 million foreign residents call Japan home. This shift has led to increased racial tensions, which are often fueled by Japanese laws and social norms.

For example, Japan’s citizenship laws are based on blood rather than birthplace, which means that residents with dual citizenship must choose between Japanese and foreign citizenship at the age of 22. This can create a sense of alienation and exclusion for foreign residents who have deep ties to Japan.

Public Confrontations

The growing number of foreigners in Japan has also led to an increase in public confrontations. In recent years, there have been several high-profile incidents of discrimination against foreign customers in restaurants and on public transportation.

In one incident, a sushi chain apologized for serving foreign customers fish with excessive wasabi. In another incident, a train conductor was reprimanded after using the loudspeaker to blame foreigners for inconveniencing Japanese passengers.

Government Response

The Japanese government has taken some steps to address the problem of racism. In 2016, the country passed its first legislation against hate crimes. However, critics have argued that the law is too weak to effectively combat the growing problem of racism in Japan.

The government’s recent survey on racism is seen as a positive step towards understanding the extent of the problem and developing more effective policies to address it.

Challenges and Opportunities

The increasing diversity of Japanese society presents both challenges and opportunities for the country. On the one hand, it can lead to increased racial tensions and discrimination. On the other hand, it can also foster greater understanding and tolerance among different cultural groups.

The Japanese government and society as a whole must work together to address the problem of racism and create a more inclusive society for all. The results of the government’s survey on racism will provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by foreign residents in Japan and help inform policy decisions for years to come.

Additional Long-Tail Keywords:

  • Experiences of racial discrimination in Japan for foreign residents
  • Challenges faced by foreign residents in Japan due to racial discrimination
  • Impact of racism on Japan’s image as a welcoming and inclusive society
  • Government response to racism in Japan and the effectiveness of current policies
  • Role of Japanese law and social norms in perpetuating racial discrimination
  • Public confrontations between Japanese citizens and foreign residents
  • Growth of anti-foreigner sentiment in Japan and its causes
  • Survey on racism in Japan to inform policy decisions and improve the lives of foreign residents
  • Consequences of racism for Japanese society as a whole, including its economy and reputation

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