Home LifePhotojournalism Grim and Beautiful: A Photographer’s Journey to Afghanistan and the Man vs. Bird Conflict in Henderson, New York

Grim and Beautiful: A Photographer’s Journey to Afghanistan and the Man vs. Bird Conflict in Henderson, New York

by Peter

Grim and Beautiful: Photographer Beth Wald’s Journey to Afghanistan

A Complex and Contrasting Land

Afghanistan, a nation scarred by decades of conflict, presents a tapestry of beauty and harshness. Photographer Beth Wald embarked on a journey to this enigmatic land, accompanied by journalist Rob Schultheis. Their experiences, captured in stunning images and poignant words, reveal the complexities that define Afghanistan.

Mazar-i-Sharif: Tranquility Amidst War

Wald’s travels took her to the city of Mazar-i-Sharif, home to the magnificent Great Mosque of Hazrat Ali. Despite the city’s proximity to war-torn regions, the mosque exuded an aura of peace. Women adorned in flowing burkas, their faces hidden, moved gracefully through the courtyards.

As Wald ventured into the mosque, she encountered a moment of unexpected connection. A woman, her face now visible, clasped Wald’s hand and removed a beautiful silver and ruby ring from her finger. With a gentle gesture, she placed it on Wald’s hand, signifying a bond forged between two strangers from vastly different worlds.

Schultheis’s Wartime Memories

Schultheis, a seasoned journalist who has covered Afghanistan extensively, has witnessed the darker side of this land. He recalls harrowing experiences of navigating treacherous roads, where reckless drivers defied minefield warnings and corrupt traffic cops preyed on unsuspecting travelers.

Despite the dangers, Schultheis’s memories are not solely defined by conflict. He speaks of the resilience of the Afghan people, their ability to find moments of joy amidst the hardships.

Man Versus Bird: A Conflict in Henderson, New York

In a departure from Afghanistan, Wald and Schultheis turned their attention to a different kind of conflict unfolding in Henderson, New York. A bitter dispute had erupted between fishing guides and cormorants, waterbirds with an insatiable appetite for fish.

Fishing guides claimed that the cormorants were decimating their livelihoods, while scientists argued that the birds were merely thriving in an altered ecosystem. Wald’s reporting captures the complexities of this conflict, exploring the perspectives of all involved parties.

The Cormorants’ Impact

The proliferation of cormorants has had a profound impact on Henderson’s local fish populations and the communities that depend on them. The birds’ voracious feeding habits have put tremendous pressure on these fragile ecosystems, threatening the livelihoods of fishermen and the balance of nature.


Beth Wald and Rob Schultheis’s experiences in Afghanistan and Henderson, New York, highlight the multifaceted nature of human existence. Amidst the horrors of war, moments of beauty and connection can be found. And in the midst of conflict, there is often a need for understanding and compromise to find a path forward.

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