Home LifeParenting Lammily: The Realistic Doll Empowering Girls to Challenge Gender Stereotypes

Lammily: The Realistic Doll Empowering Girls to Challenge Gender Stereotypes

by Zuzana

Lammily: A Realistic Doll Challenging Barbie’s Stereotypes

The Problem with Barbie

For decades, Barbie has been the iconic fashion doll for young girls. However, her unrealistic proportions and emphasis on beauty have been criticized for perpetuating harmful stereotypes about women’s bodies and careers.

A new study published in the Los Angeles Times confirms these concerns. Researchers found that girls who played with Barbie dolls, even the “career” Barbies, believed they had significantly fewer career options than boys. This discouragement was not observed in girls who played with Mrs. Potato Heads, despite her traditional gender role.

Lammily: A Healthy Alternative

Enter Lammily, a new doll created by artist Nickolay Lamm. Lammily is based on average human proportions, has brown hair, wears little makeup, and is designed to promote a healthy and strong body image. Her motto is “average is beautiful.”

The crowd-funding campaign to create Lammily dolls has been a huge success, exceeding its goal by 150%. This overwhelming support suggests that there is a growing demand for dolls that offer a more realistic representation of women.

The Importance of Realistic Body Proportions

Lammily is not the first doll to challenge Barbie’s unrealistic proportions. Plus-sized and multi-racial dolls have also been introduced in recent years. However, Lammily’s success indicates that the time may be ripe for a more widespread shift in the doll industry.

Realistic body proportions are important for several reasons. First, they can help girls develop a healthy body image and reduce the risk of eating disorders. Second, they can challenge the narrow beauty standards that are often portrayed in the media. Third, they can empower girls by showing them that there is more than one way to be beautiful.

The Impact on Career Aspirations

The study on Barbie dolls and career aspirations also highlights the importance of providing girls with toys that inspire them to think beyond traditional gender roles. Lammily’s focus on health and strength can help girls develop a sense of confidence and self-worth that will benefit them in all aspects of their lives, including their careers.

The Future of the Doll Industry

As the demand for more realistic and inclusive toys grows, it is likely that Barbie will have to adapt or risk losing market share. Lammily’s success is a sign that the tide is turning, and that the future of the doll industry lies in empowering girls with positive role models.


Lammily is more than just a doll. She is a symbol of the changing attitudes towards body image and gender roles. Her success is a testament to the power of representation and the importance of providing girls with toys that reflect their own experiences and aspirations.

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