Home LifeOutdoor Adventure Canada’s Great Trail: Explore the World’s Longest Hiking, Biking, and Paddling Trail

Canada’s Great Trail: Explore the World’s Longest Hiking, Biking, and Paddling Trail

by Zuzana

Canada’s Great Trail: The World’s Longest Hiking, Biking, and Paddling Trail

Completion of a Coast-to-Coast Epic

After 25 years of planning and construction, Canada’s Great Trail, formerly known as the Trans-Canada Trail, has officially become the world’s longest recreational trail system. The trail now boasts a continuous route stretching over 14,000 miles from coast to coast, connecting various trail networks across the country.

A Collaborative Effort

The Great Trail is a testament to the collaborative efforts of numerous organizations and individuals. Over 477 groups worked together to create the trail’s 432 sections, which pass through 15,000 communities. The trail’s completion was a momentous achievement that required extensive trail building, signage installation, and negotiations with landowners and local governments.

Connecting Canada’s Landscapes

The Great Trail offers a unique opportunity to explore Canada’s diverse landscapes. Hikers, bikers, and paddlers can traverse forests, mountains, lakes, and rivers, experiencing the beauty and grandeur of the country’s natural heritage. The trail’s off-road sections provide a secluded and immersive outdoor experience, while the on-road sections allow for convenient access to amenities.

Addressing Concerns

While the completion of the Great Trail is a major accomplishment, concerns have been raised about the trail’s safety and accuracy. Some critics argue that the trail falls short of its original goal of being primarily off-road, with only about 32% of the route designated as such. Additionally, some trail sections follow busy highways, raising questions about safety for users.

Future Enhancements

Organizers acknowledge these concerns and emphasize that completing the trail’s route is just the first phase of the project. They plan to refine the route over time, making it safer and more user-friendly. They also hope to engage with communities initially hesitant about off-road trails and bike lanes, demonstrating the trail’s value and potential benefits.

A Source of National Pride

Despite the criticisms, the Great Trail has sparked excitement and pride among Canadians. Over 200 celebrations were held along the path to mark its completion, showcasing the trail’s significance as a symbol of unity and a testament to the country’s commitment to outdoor recreation.

Embracing the Great Trail

As organizers work to enhance the Great Trail, it remains an exceptional resource for outdoor enthusiasts. Hikers, bikers, and paddlers of all skill levels can enjoy the trail’s diverse routes and stunning scenery. It is a place where Canadians can connect with nature, explore their country, and create lasting memories.

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