Home LifeNature and the Environment Black Love & Plants: A Plant Store Cultivating Love, Relationships, and Community

Black Love & Plants: A Plant Store Cultivating Love, Relationships, and Community

by Jasmine

Black Love & Plants: A Plant Store with a Mission

About Black Love & Plants

Black Love & Plants is a unique plant store and project founded by Shanel Kennedy, a stay-at-home mom of two. Inspired by the love within the plant community and the Black community, the store promotes the idea that love extends to the Black plant community as well. Kennedy’s goal is to create a legacy through her business that her children can be proud of.

The Inspiration Behind Black Love & Plants

Kennedy started Black Love & Plants because she noticed a lack of representation of how plants impact relationships outside of oneself within the plant community. As she cared for her plants, she realized that she was learning valuable lessons that could be applied to her real-life relationships.

Through a series of interviews on Instagram, Kennedy explores the impact of plants on relationships in the Black community. She chats with couples, parents and children, friend groups, and individuals about how plants have taught them lessons, helped them find new relationships, and even shown them the importance of letting go of relationships that no longer serve them.

The Benefits of Plants for Relationships

Plants can have a profound impact on our relationships. Kennedy shares some of the benefits she has experienced:

  • Improved communication: Caring for plants requires attention to their specific needs. This translates to better communication skills in relationships, as individuals learn to listen and understand each other’s unique requirements.
  • Strengthened bonds: Plants can bring people together and create shared experiences. Caring for a plant as a family or couple can foster a sense of connection and gemeinsamen Zielsetzung.
  • Increased joy and well-being: Plants bring beauty and life into our homes. They can also improve our mood and reduce stress levels, creating a more positive environment for relationships.

Shanel Kennedy’s Plant Care Journey

Kennedy’s journey with plants began at a young age with her grandmother, who was an avid gardener. She always had plants on her desk at work, but it wasn’t until 2020 that she started collecting plants in earnest. After a period of depression, she restarted her plant collection in 2021, focusing on low-maintenance, easy-care plants that spark joy.

Today, Kennedy has over 80 plants, including a hoya ‘Krimson Princess’ and a philodendron ‘McColley’s Finale’. She loves the drama-free nature of the latter and the beautiful variegation of the former.

The Importance of Plant Care

For Kennedy, plant care is more than just a hobby. It’s a way to connect with nature, find moments of calm, and express her creativity. She believes that by sharing her passion for plants, she can inspire others to experience the benefits of plant care.

Black Love & Plants Live

Kennedy hosts a live show on Instagram called Black Love & Plants Live every Sunday in February at 6:30pm EST. The show features interviews with Black plant parents and explores the intersection of plants, relationships, and the Black community.

How to Support Black Love & Plants

You can support Black Love & Plants by:

  • Visiting the website and making a purchase
  • Following Black Love & Plants on Instagram
  • Watching Black Love & Plants Live
  • Sharing the project with others who may be interested

By supporting Black Love & Plants, you are not only investing in a unique and inspiring business, but also contributing to the celebration of Black love and the power of plants.