Home LifeHumanitarian Issues Global Refugee Crisis: Number of Displaced People Reaches Unprecedented Levels

Global Refugee Crisis: Number of Displaced People Reaches Unprecedented Levels

by Zuzana

Refugee Crisis: Number of Displaced People Hits Record High

War and Conflict Drive Mass Displacement

Millions of people worldwide are forced to flee their homes due to war, conflict, and persecution. In 2016, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported a staggering 65.6 million people were forcibly displaced, a 300,000 increase from the previous year. This number includes 22.5 million refugees and others who have been internally displaced or are seeking asylum.

The conflict in Syria has produced the most refugees, with over 50% of the country’s population estimated to be displaced within or outside of the country. The breakdown of a power-sharing agreement between ethnic groups in South Sudan has led to the second highest number of refugees, with a quarter of the population forced to flee.

Children and Statelessness

Children make up a significant proportion of refugees worldwide, with 51% being under the age of 18. The UNHCR estimates that 75,000 children are newly unaccompanied or separated from their families, but this number is likely lower than the actual figure. Earlier this year, UNICEF estimated that over 300,000 children migrated alone during 2015 and 2016.

Ten million displaced people are currently or at risk of statelessness, meaning they do not have a recognized nationality and are denied basic rights and protections.

Unprecedented Human Cost

The UNHCR has described the number of displaced people as “unprecedented” and a testament to the immense human cost of war and persecution. On average, one in every 113 people worldwide has been forcibly displaced, a number greater than the population of the United Kingdom.

“By any measure this is an unacceptable number,” said Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Challenges of Displacement

The nature of displacement makes it difficult to estimate the exact number of people on the move. Many refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) live in remote or inaccessible areas, and their movements can be fluid and unpredictable.

Displacement also has a profound impact on the individuals involved. They may face trauma, loss, and separation from their families and communities. They may also lack access to basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, and healthcare.

Need for Action

The international community has a responsibility to address the global refugee crisis and provide support to those who have been displaced. This includes providing humanitarian assistance, promoting peace and stability in conflict-affected areas, and working towards long-term solutions that allow refugees and IDPs to return home or rebuild their lives in safety and dignity.

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