Home LifeHome Improvement Maximize Space and Declutter Your Room: DIY Under-the-Bed Storage Baskets with Wheels

Maximize Space and Declutter Your Room: DIY Under-the-Bed Storage Baskets with Wheels

by Zuzana

How to Make Wheel-y Easy Under-the-Bed Storage Baskets for Effortless Organization

Are you tired of cluttered rooms and overflowing storage spaces? Look no further than these DIY under-the-bed storage baskets with wheels, the perfect solution for maximizing space and keeping your belongings organized. With our step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to create these handy baskets in just a few simple steps, using readily available materials.

Materials You’ll Need

Equipment / Tools:

  • Pencil or marker
  • Drill
  • Screwdriver


  • Rectangular woven basket (sized to fit under your bed with wheels attached)
  • 8 plywood square blocks (2 inches by 3 inches)
  • 4 wheel attachments
  • 16 long screws
  • 7 lug nuts

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Find a Woven Basket

Choose a rectangular woven basket that fits snugly under your bed when the wheels are attached. Measure the space under your bed before shopping for a basket to ensure a perfect fit.

2. Gather Plywood Pieces

Cut or purchase eight plywood pieces measuring 2 inches by 3 inches. Alternatively, you can request these cuts at your local hardware store.

3. Make Markings

Center the wheel attachments on four of the plywood pieces and mark the screw holes with a pencil or marker. This will guide you when drilling the holes.

4. Stack the Pieces of Wood

Stack the marked plywood pieces on top of two other plywood pieces, creating a sturdy base. Drill screw holes through the marked areas.

5. Assemble Your Wheel

Align the wheel attachment with the screw holes on the drilled plywood and insert the screws through the holes. Repeat this process for all four wheels.

6. Attach It to the Basket

Flip the woven basket upside down and insert the assembled wheel pieces through the bottom of the basket, one at a time. Secure the wheels with screws using a screwdriver.

7. Finish With Lug Nuts

Take the remaining four drilled plywood pieces and place them over the screws from inside the basket. Rotate the lug nuts over the screws to complete the assembly.

Tips and Tricks

  • For optimal storage capacity, choose a basket that is as wide as possible while still fitting comfortably under your bed.
  • If you don’t have a drill, you can use a hammer and nails to attach the wheels, although drilling is the preferred method for a more secure hold.
  • Add casters to the wheels for even greater mobility, allowing you to effortlessly roll the baskets around your room or between rooms.
  • Customize the baskets by painting them or adding decorative touches to match your personal style.

Benefits of Under-the-Bed Storage Baskets with Wheels

  • Increased storage space: These baskets provide ample space for storing blankets, clothing, toys, and other items, freeing up valuable space in your room.
  • Easy organization: Keep your belongings organized and accessible by categorizing them into separate baskets.
  • Effortless mobility: With wheels attached, you can easily roll the baskets around to collect clutter or transport items from room to room.
  • Space-saving design: When not in use, the baskets can be stacked on top of each other or tucked away under the bed, saving valuable floor space.
  • DIY satisfaction: Creating these baskets yourself not only saves you money but also provides a sense of accomplishment and creativity.

By following these simple instructions and incorporating the tips and tricks provided, you can effortlessly make your own under-the-bed storage baskets with wheels, transforming your space into an organized and clutter-free haven.

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