Home LifeHome Improvement Declutter and Organize Your Home in 10-Minute Chunks: 58 Quick and Easy Tasks

Declutter and Organize Your Home in 10-Minute Chunks: 58 Quick and Easy Tasks

by Zuzana

58 Easy Home Organization Projects That Take 10 Minutes or Less

Declutter and Organize Your Home in 10-Minute Chunks

Home organization can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By breaking down large projects into smaller, 10-minute tasks, you can make a significant impact on the organization of your home.

Here are 58 quick and easy home organization projects that you can accomplish in just 10 minutes each:

Kitchen Organization

  • Declutter and organize under the sink.
  • Inventory and organize toiletries.
  • Vacuum your car and throw away any large pieces of trash.
  • Install hooks in your garage to hang beach chairs, tools, or bikes.

Bathroom Organization

  • Declutter the top drawer of your night table.
  • Create a fitness drawer in your dresser for workout gear.
  • Gather and store light bulbs, batteries, and stamps in one spot.
  • Organize business cards and addresses in your contacts list.
  • Go through one file drawer and declutter old papers and credit card statements.

Bedroom Organization

  • Purge any shirts with holes from your T-shirt drawer.
  • Organize your socks and set aside any single socks.
  • Create a spot for incoming mail.
  • Label cables behind your entertainment console.
  • Delete old shows and movies from streaming platforms.

Living Room Organization

  • Declutter and rearrange throw pillows and blankets.
  • Organize your remote controls and label them with the corresponding device.
  • Face your books in the same direction for a neat and organized look.
  • Measure the inside of each closet and store the dimensions for future reference when buying storage accessories.

Office Organization

  • Edit your web browser bookmarks.
  • Unsubscribe from blogs and emails you no longer read.
  • Declutter your email inbox.
  • Create a designated place for your keys.
  • Gather mail from around the house and divide it into action, recycle, and shred piles.

Other Organization Tips

  • Identify a bin or container for “outgoing” items that need to leave the house.
  • Take an inventory of paper products to see if you need to restock.
  • Pull five items out of your closet that you haven’t worn in two years and donate them if you don’t need them.
  • Create a checklist for everything you need for your next vacation.
  • Find and store all of your reusable grocery bags in one spot.
  • Shred or recycle any mail or paper clutter sitting around.

By implementing these quick and easy home organization projects, you can make a significant difference in the organization of your living spaces in just a short amount of time. Remember, 10 minutes is more than enough to start making a positive impact on your home organization journey.

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