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Unexpected Items You Can Safely Put in Your Dishwasher: A Guide to Dishwasher-Safe Household Items

by Jasmine

Unexpected Items You Can Safely Put in Your Dishwasher

Dishwashers aren’t just for dishes anymore. According to experts, a wide range of kitchen and household items can benefit from a thorough cleaning in your dishwasher. Here are some surprising items that are actually dishwasher-safe:


Contrary to popular belief, many plastic food containers are dishwasher-safe. Look for the dishwasher-safe symbol on the container and place them on the top rack to avoid overheating and potential warping or melting.

Large Stainless Steel Pots and Pans

Many large, stainless-steel pots and pans can handle the heat of a dishwasher cycle. This is especially helpful for removing stubborn burn marks.

Baby Items

Most baby bottles, pacifiers, and toys can be safely cleaned in the dishwasher. Place them on the top rack, face down, to ensure they get properly cleaned and sanitized. Consider using a dishwasher basket or caddy to keep small parts organized and prevent them from falling onto the heating element.


Yes, you can wash your sponges in the dishwasher! Place them in the cutlery basket or on the top rack during your next cycle. Anchor them in place with clips or other kitchen utensils to prevent them from moving around. Skip the heated dryer cycle and let your sponges air-dry to avoid unnecessary wear and tear.

Items to Avoid Putting in the Dishwasher

While many items can go in the dishwasher, there are still some that should be hand-washed to prevent damage. These include:

  • Cast iron cookware (can lose seasoning and become rusty)
  • Fine china or delicate glassware (can chip or break)
  • Wooden cutting boards (can warp and crack)
  • Insulated travel mugs (can lose vacuum seal and ability to retain temperature)
  • Aluminum (can scratch and develop a dull finish)
  • Overloading the dishwasher (can reduce cleaning efficiency)

Tips for Optimal Dishwasher Use

  • Check labels and instructions: Always verify if an item is dishwasher-safe before placing it in the machine.
  • Use the top rack: Plastic items and baby items should be placed on the top rack to minimize exposure to heat and water jets.
  • Anchor sponges: Secure sponges in place to prevent them from falling onto the heating element.
  • Avoid overloading: Don’t cram too many dishes into the dishwasher, as this can hinder cleaning effectiveness.
  • Consider using a dishwasher basket: This can help organize small items and prevent them from getting lost or damaged.
  • Skip the heated dryer: Air-drying sponges and other items can extend their lifespan.

Water Conservation with Dishwashers

Running a dishwasher instead of hand-washing dishes can actually save water. According to Cascade, using a dishwasher can save up to 20 gallons of water per day. This is because dishwashers use a more efficient spray system and recycle water during the cycle.

By incorporating these dishwasher life hacks into your cleaning routine, you can save time, effort, and water while keeping your kitchen and household items sparkling clean.

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