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The Ultimate Guide to Packing Clothes for Moving: Stress-Free and Organized

by Zuzana

How to Pack Clothes for Moving: A Comprehensive Guide

Planning and Preparation

Before you start packing, take some time to plan and prepare. This will help you stay organized and avoid packing items you don’t need.

  • Declutter and Sort: Go through your clothes and sort them into three piles: keep, donate, and discard. Only keep clothes that you wear regularly and want to bring with you.
  • Choose the Right Packing Materials: Invest in sturdy boxes, non-slip hangers, and garment bags to protect your clothes during the move.
  • Set Aside Essential Clothing: Pack a small suitcase or bin with clothes that you’ll need before, during, and after the move.

Folding and Packing Clothes

  • Flat Fold Method: Fold bulky items like jeans and sweaters flat. This method is best for packing in boxes or vacuum seal bags.
  • Rolling Method: Roll thin, small items like shirts and dresses to save space. This method is ideal for suitcases and duffle bags.
  • Combination Method: Flat fold an item, then roll it up to fit into smaller spaces.
  • Marie Kondo Method: Fold items lengthwise and widthwise, then file them vertically for easy visibility.

Packing Hanging Clothes

Not all clothes need to be folded. Keep dressy garments, heirloom pieces, and valuable items on hangers.

  • Use Non-Slip Hangers: These hangers prevent clothes from slipping off during the move.
  • Protect with Garment Bags: Cover heirloom items and formal wear in garment bags for added protection.
  • Consider Wardrobe Boxes: Large collections of hanging clothes can be packed in wardrobe boxes, which have a built-in hanging rail.

Additional Packing Tips

  • Move Clothes in Drawers: If possible, leave clothes in their dresser drawers for easy transport.
  • Clean Clothes: All clothing should be clean before packing to avoid mixing clean and dirty items.
  • Label Boxes: Clearly label each box with its contents for easy identification.
  • Pack Shoes Separately: Avoid packing shoes with clothes to prevent snags or dirt transfer.


  • Is it better to pack clothes in bags or boxes? Boxes are generally better than bags as they keep clothes folded and wrinkle-free.
  • What’s the fastest way to pack clothes for a move? Consider keeping clothes in dresser drawers or using trash bags with the air squeezed out to simulate a vacuum seal.
  • How to pack hangers when moving? Bind hangers together with twist ties, use a trash bag with a hole for the hangers, or purchase specialized hanger boxes.

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