Home LifeHome and Living Eliminate Cooking Smells in Small Apartments: 10 Effective Methods

Eliminate Cooking Smells in Small Apartments: 10 Effective Methods

by Zuzana

How to Effectively Eliminate Cooking Smells in Small Apartments

Small apartments often have limited ventilation, leading to lingering cooking odors that can be unpleasant and difficult to remove. However, there are several effective methods to neutralize these smells and keep your living space fresh and inviting.

Ventilation and Air Circulation

The most effective way to combat cooking smells is to increase ventilation in your apartment. Open windows or use fans to circulate the air and disperse the odors. If opening windows is not possible due to weather conditions or pollution, consider using ceiling fans, portable fans, or air purifiers to improve indoor air quality and reduce cooking smells.

Introducing Pleasing Scents

To counteract unpleasant cooking smells, introduce pleasing scents into your apartment. This can be done through candles, oil diffusers, or natural air fresheners. Choose scents such as lemon, orange, or tea tree oil, which are known for their fresh and clean aromas. Avoid introducing new scents while cooking, as this can create a clash of odors.

Natural Odor Neutralizers

Coffee grounds, baking soda, and vinegar are effective natural odor neutralizers that can help absorb and neutralize cooking smells. Place bowls of coffee grounds or baking soda around your kitchen overnight to absorb odors. You can also brew a fresh pot of coffee to mask unpleasant smells. Vinegar can be used in a bowl or simmered in a pot of water to neutralize strong cooking odors.

Deodorizing Upholstery and Fabrics

Cooking odors can linger on upholstery and fabrics, such as sofas, curtains, and rugs. To deodorize these items, sprinkle baking soda on the affected areas and leave it overnight. You can also use a light spritz of linen spray to freshen up fabrics and neutralize odors.

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is essential for preventing cooking smells from lingering in your apartment. Wipe down counters, clean your stovetop, and sweep or mop your kitchen floor as soon as possible after cooking. Leaving dirty dishes or spills overnight can contribute to unpleasant odors.

Natural Air Fresheners

Create your own natural air freshener by simmering a pot of water with fruits, herbs, or spices. Lemon rinds, apple slices, cinnamon sticks, and lavender are popular choices for combating cooking odors. Strain the remaining water and use it as a room spray to freshen up your apartment.

Odor Eliminators

Activated charcoal is a powerful odor eliminator that can absorb and trap odor molecules. Place activated charcoal bags around your kitchen to prevent cooking smells from spreading. You can also use a splatter screen with an activated carbon filter to reduce cooking odors while cooking.

Preventing Odors from Traveling

To prevent cooking smells from traveling throughout your apartment, keep your bedroom doors closed and use a draught excluder to seal the gap at the bottom of the door. This is especially important when cooking strong-smelling foods like seafood. Additionally, keep your trash can closed and use dryer sheets to absorb odors.

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