Home LifeHome and Garden 5 Essential Spaces to Prioritize for Spring Cleaning: A Step-by-Step Guide

5 Essential Spaces to Prioritize for Spring Cleaning: A Step-by-Step Guide

by Jasmine

5 Spaces You Should Prioritize for Spring Cleaning, According to Pros

Starting Points for Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning can be a daunting task, but it’s essential for refreshing your home after the winter months. To make the process more manageable, start by tackling one space at a time. Here are the best starting points, according to cleaning experts:


  • Declutter: Go through your pantry and refrigerator, discarding expired or unusable items.
  • Organize: Sort through your kitchen storage, donating or discarding items you no longer need.
  • Clean Appliances: Wipe down the refrigerator, clean the dishwasher, and tackle the oven.
  • Surfaces: Wash ceilings, walls, and baseboards with a microfiber cloth and dish soap.
  • Finishing Touches: Wipe down cabinets and counters, clean windows, disinfect the sink, sweep, and mop.


  • Seasonal Storage: Pack away thick winter clothing and accessories in plastic boxes or vacuum-sealed bags.
  • Declutter: Go through your remaining clothes, discarding or donating items you no longer need.
  • Organize: Clean the inside of your closet and organize your clothes by category.


  • Deep Clean: Start by cleaning the tub, toilet, and shower thoroughly.
  • Laundry: Wash shower curtains, bath mats, and towels.
  • Surfaces: Dust light fixtures and shades, and wipe down countertops and cupboards.
  • Declutter: Discard unused or expired toiletries.
  • Floors: Clean the floors last to avoid tracking dirt or water.

Utility Spaces

  • Declutter: Remove seasonal items from your entryway and mudroom, replacing them with spring essentials.
  • Organize: Designate storage spots for categories like tools, cleaning supplies, and electronics.
  • Linens: Review your linens and towels, discarding or donating worn or unused items.

Home Office

  • Cord Management: Wrap or tie up cords for a cleaner look.
  • Tech Declutter: Recycle or discard old electronics and accessories.
  • Paperwork: Sort through old papers, discarding or digitizing as needed.
  • Supplies and Equipment: Wipe down your desk, monitor, and other office supplies.
  • Digital Cleanup: Delete old files, organize folders, and archive emails.

Tips for Each Space

  • Kitchen: Use a degreaser to clean the oven and stovetop.
  • Closet: Hang clothes on padded hangers to prevent stretching.
  • Bathroom: Use a squeegee to remove water from shower walls and doors.
  • Utility Spaces: Vacuum rugs and mats regularly to prevent dirt buildup.
  • Home Office: Keep your desk clear of clutter to improve focus and productivity.

Additional Tips

  • Break down large tasks into smaller ones to make them more manageable.
  • Use a checklist to keep track of your progress and avoid missing any areas.
  • Open windows and doors to ventilate while cleaning.
  • Use natural cleaning products whenever possible to reduce chemical exposure.
  • Reward yourself for completing each space to stay motivated.

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