Home LifeHome and Garden Remove Wallpaper Glue: A Step-by-Step Guide with Expert Tips

Remove Wallpaper Glue: A Step-by-Step Guide with Expert Tips

by Zuzana

How to Remove Wallpaper Glue: A Comprehensive Guide

Materials and Tools

  • Plastic tarps
  • Painter’s tape
  • Stepladder
  • 2 Buckets
  • Dishwashing gloves
  • Putty knife or paint scraper
  • Cellulose sponge
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Cleaning solution (1 gallon hot water, 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid, 1 cup distilled white vinegar)
  • Baking soda
  • Clean warm water

Safety Considerations

When removing wallpaper glue, it’s crucial to protect yourself and your surroundings. Cover floors and mask off electrical outlets and wall switches to prevent water damage and electrical hazards.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Prepare the Room

  • Clear the room of furniture or move it away from walls.
  • Cover furniture with plastic sheeting.
  • Cover electrical outlets and switches with painter’s tape.
  • Protect the floor with plastic tarps secured with painter’s tape.

2. Mix the Cleaning Solution

  • In a large bucket, combine hot water, dishwashing liquid, and distilled white vinegar.
  • Fill a second bucket with clean warm water for rinsing.

3. Apply the Cleaning Solution

  • Using a cellulose sponge, apply the cleaning solution to the glue-covered wall from top to bottom.
  • Rewet the sponge as needed.

4. Scrub the Wet Wall

  • After a few minutes, wipe the wet wall with a microfiber cloth dampened with the cleaning solution.
  • Rinse the cloth frequently to remove glue and wallpaper backing material.

5. Focus on Stubborn Spots

  • If the glue persists, saturate it with the cleaning solution and wait.
  • Apply baking soda to the damp cloth and gently rub the glue-covered area.
  • If necessary, use a putty knife to scrape away the glue, taking care not to damage the wall.

6. Rinse and Dry the Wall

  • Wipe down the walls with a clean microfiber cloth dampened with fresh water.
  • Air-dry the area thoroughly before painting or repapering.

Tips for Cleaning Glue From Wallpaper

Fresh Glue

  • Wipe with a damp microfiber cloth.

Dried Glue Streaks

  • Use a plastic paint scraper to chip away the glue.
  • Soften any remaining glue with a damp microfiber cloth and wipe away.

Dried Glue Drips

  • Saturate with rubbing alcohol using cotton swabs.
  • After 10 minutes, chip away the glue with a paint scraper and wipe with a damp microfiber cloth.

Additional Tips

  • Test cleaning methods on a scrap of wallpaper or in a hidden area first.
  • Use a light touch when scraping glue to avoid damaging the wall.
  • Be careful not to over-saturate drywall walls with water, as it can soften the paper facing.
  • If the glue is particularly stubborn, consider using a commercial wallpaper glue remover.

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