Home LifeHome and Garden Decluttering Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Deciding What to Keep and Toss

Decluttering Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Deciding What to Keep and Toss

by Keira

How to Declutter: A Step-by-Step Guide to Deciding What to Keep and Toss

Decluttering your home can be a daunting task, but it’s essential for creating a tidy and organized living space. To help you make the process easier, we’ve compiled a list of seven questions you can ask yourself to decide what items are worth keeping and which ones should be tossed.

1. Will This Be Important to Me in the Future?

If you’ve held onto old documents or paperwork for years, it’s time to sort through them and decide what’s worth keeping. Important documents like wills, warranties, and tax returns should be kept in a safe place. Shred and discard anything that’s no longer relevant or has expired.

2. Has It Passed Its Expiration Date?

This question applies to both physical items and digital content. Clothing, shoes, and other items that have outlived their usefulness can be donated or discarded. Similarly, digital files that are no longer needed should be deleted to free up space on your devices.

3. Do You Have Sentimental Attachment to the Items?

Sentimental items hold special memories and emotions, but it’s important to avoid turning them into clutter. Keep a few cherished items that bring you joy and use them to refresh your shelves or mantels. If you no longer want to keep an item but want to preserve the memory, consider taking a photo or scanning it.

4. Do You Have Duplicates?

Duplicates of items take up valuable space. If you have multiple items that serve the same purpose, choose the one you use most often and discard the rest. If you must keep duplicates, store them out of the way to free up living space.

5. Do You Use It Regularly?

Be honest with yourself about how often you use certain items. If you rarely use something or could easily get along without it, consider tossing it. This includes sale items you thought were too good to pass up, impulse purchases, and vacation souvenirs that you never use.

6. Was It a Gift You Wanted?

If you received a gift that you can’t use, it’s perfectly acceptable to regift or recycle it. Graciously accept the gift and send a thank-you note, but you’re not obligated to keep or use it.

7. Could You Put It to Better Use?

Sometimes, you may have items that you’re reluctant to part with. However, if you can find a new and better use for them, it’s worth considering. For example, antique glassware can be brought out of storage and used for daily meals or gatherings. You can also lend items like yard equipment, kitchen appliances, or special occasion clothing to friends and family who may need them.

Additional Tips for Decluttering:

  • Start small: Don’t try to declutter your entire home at once. Focus on one room or area at a time.
  • Sort items into piles: Create piles for items you want to keep, donate, and discard.
  • Be ruthless: Don’t be afraid to let go of items that you no longer need or use.
  • Take breaks: Decluttering can be tiring, so take breaks as needed to avoid burnout.
  • Reward yourself: Once you’ve decluttered an area, reward yourself for your hard work.

Decluttering your home is an ongoing process, but it’s worth the effort to create a more organized and peaceful living space. By following these tips and asking yourself the right questions, you can make the decluttering process easier and more effective.

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