Home LifeHome and Garden How to Clean a Toilet: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide for a Spotless Bathroom

How to Clean a Toilet: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide for a Spotless Bathroom

by Keira

How to Clean a Toilet Properly: A Comprehensive Guide

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Toilet brush
  • Eye protection
  • Toilet cleaner
  • All-purpose spray cleaner
  • Paper towels or cloths

Step 1: Gather Supplies and Prepare the Area

Begin by removing all items from around the toilet, as cleaning can be messy and you want to prevent splashing. Remove anything on top of the tank to avoid dropping items into the bowl during cleaning.

Step 2: Flush and Add Cleaning Solution

Put on rubber gloves and flush the toilet with the lid down. Add your chosen toilet cleaner (powdered, liquid, or gel) into the toilet bowl, applying it as close to the rim as possible to prevent dilution.

Step 3: Clean the Exterior of the Toilet

After the cleansing solution has soaked into the grime, flush it away and clean the outside of the toilet with a bathroom cleaner strong enough to disinfect.

Start at the top and work your way down to prevent dripping on already clean surfaces. Spray and wipe down the tank, handle, tank edges, lid, and entire bowl exterior, including the sides, front, and bottom edges.

Step 4: Clean the Toilet Seat

Raise the seat and spray the seat, inside lid, and toilet rim with bathroom cleaner. Wipe down the lid, seat, and hinges thoroughly.

If your toilet has pop-open hinges, use this opportunity to clean them. Wipe the entire seat with a cloth moistened with clean water to remove any bleach or chemical residue.

Step 5: Clean the Inside of the Toilet Bowl

Begin cleaning the bowl from the top down, starting with the rim. Scrub thoroughly to remove stains and grime. Next, scrub the bowl with the toilet brush, including the drain hole opening. Flush the toilet with the lid down.

If you have brown or reddish rust or mineral stains, use baking soda or a commercial product like Lime-Away. You can also try pouring cola into the bowl, scrubbing, rinsing, and then adding vinegar to dissolve remaining stains. Flush the toilet with the lid down after scrubbing.

Step 6: Clean Up the Surrounding Area

Wipe up any drips or spills, put away cleaning tools, and replace any items you removed from around the toilet.


  • Wear eye protection and rubber gloves when cleaning a toilet to avoid chemical irritation.
  • Keep the toilet seat lid down when flushing to prevent splashing.
  • Avoid using sponges for scrubbing, as they can harbor bacteria. If you must use them, sterilize them in the microwave or wash them in hot water with bleach.
  • Do not use toilet bowl cleaner tablets or disks, as they can damage porcelain and pose a hazard to pets.

Additional Tips:

  • For stubborn stains, let the cleaning solution sit for a longer period before scrubbing.
  • Use a pumice stone or a commercial rust remover for tough rust stains.
  • To prevent future stains, clean your toilet regularly and use a toilet bowl cleaner between cleanings.
  • If you have hard water, use a vinegar solution to remove mineral deposits.
  • Keep your bathroom well-ventilated during and after cleaning.

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