Home LifeHome and Garden How to Clean a Toaster: A Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining a Clean and Efficient Appliance

How to Clean a Toaster: A Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining a Clean and Efficient Appliance

by Jasmine

How to Clean a Toaster: A Comprehensive Guide

Cleaning the Toaster Interior

To effectively remove crumbs and debris from the toaster’s interior, follow these steps:

  • Unplug the toaster and allow it to cool completely.
  • Shake out loose crumbs over a trash can or sink.
  • Use a pastry brush to gently dislodge any remaining crumbs from the toaster slots and interior surfaces.
  • Avoid inserting your fingers into the slots to prevent damage.

Cleaning the Toaster Exterior

For a thorough exterior cleaning:

  • Dip a sponge or dishcloth into a solution of warm water and dishwashing liquid with a degreaser.
  • Wipe down the toaster’s exterior, paying attention to dials, levers, and handles.
  • Rinse with a sponge dipped in clear water to remove soapy residue.
  • Dry thoroughly with a soft, microfiber cloth.

Removing Melted Plastic from a Toaster

If plastic has accidentally melted onto the toaster’s finish:

  • Unplug the appliance and allow it to cool.
  • Scrape off as much plastic as possible using a wooden or plastic scraper.
  • Create a paste of baking soda and water.
  • Apply the paste to a damp sponge and scrub the affected area.
  • Wipe away with a clean, damp sponge and repeat until no more plastic is visible.
  • Remove any remaining discoloration by dipping a cotton ball in acetone-based nail polish remover and gently rubbing the area.
  • Wipe down with a water-dampened cloth.

Tips for Keeping Your Toaster Clean

To maintain a clean toaster and prevent issues:

  • Brush loose crumbs from bread before toasting to prevent buildup.
  • Keep plastic bags away from the toaster as heat can melt them.
  • Avoid placing parchment paper, plastic, styrofoam, or aluminum in the toaster slots as they pose a fire hazard.


  • Can I submerge my toaster in water to clean it? No, submerging a toaster in water can damage its electrical components. Use a damp sponge or cloth to wipe down surfaces instead.

  • How do you get burnt stuff off a toaster? Apply a paste of baking soda and water to burnt-on food and scrub gently with a soft-bristle brush. Avoid using steel wool or abrasive materials.

  • Why does my toaster smell like burning? Burnt-on food and crumbs in the crumb tray can cause a burning smell. Clean the crumb tray regularly and check for any electrical issues if the smell persists.

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