Home LifeHome and Garden DIY Fly Trap: A Simple and Eco-Friendly Solution for Pesky Houseflies

DIY Fly Trap: A Simple and Eco-Friendly Solution for Pesky Houseflies

by Peter

How to Craft an Effective Fly Trap from an Empty Soda Bottle

Natural Solutions to Eradicate Pesky Houseflies

Houseflies, with their persistent buzzing and unhygienic presence, can become an unwelcome nuisance in any household. Fortunately, you can combat this issue with a simple and eco-friendly solution: a homemade fly trap crafted from an empty soda bottle.

The Science Behind the Trap

Flies are attracted to sweet scents and decaying organic matter. By utilizing these factors, the soda bottle trap effectively lures flies into its confines. Once inside, the sticky or slippery bait prevents them from escaping, leading to their demise.

Bait Options to Entice Flies

The key to a successful fly trap lies in selecting the right bait. Here are some effective options:

  • Fruit-scented dish soap: Its sweet aroma entices flies without leaving a sticky residue.
  • Sugary water: A classic bait that attracts flies with its sugary allure.
  • Honey: Flies are drawn to the natural sweetness of honey, making it an ideal bait.
  • Syrup: Similar to honey, syrup’s thick consistency creates a sticky trap for flies.
  • Old fruit: Overripe fruit emits a sweet scent that attracts flies seeking food or a place to lay eggs.
  • Apple cider vinegar: The fermentation process in vinegar releases acetic acid, which is highly attractive to flies.
  • Old wine: Like vinegar, old wine contains acetic acid and a sweet aroma that entice flies.
  • Rotting meats (outdoor trap only): This option is effective for outdoor traps, as flies seek out meat for egg-laying.

Crafting Your Fly Trap


  • 1 two-liter soda bottle
  • Bait of your choice
  • 1 bottle of vinegar (optional)
  • 1 piece of wire to hang your trap (optional)


  1. Mark a Cutting Line: Draw a line around the bottle just below the tapered neck using a permanent marker.
  2. Cut the Top off the Bottle: Use a sharp knife to cut along the line, severing the top of the bottle.
  3. Assemble the Fly Trap: Remove the soda cap, then flip the top of the bottle upside down and slide it into the bottom of the bottle, like a funnel.
  4. Bait the Trap: Remove the “funnel” to place the bait inside.
  5. Make a Handle for the Fly Trap (Optional): If desired, punch two holes on opposite sides at the top of the bottle for a wire handle.

Additional Tips for Fly Control

  • Set Traps Early: Deploy fly traps in early spring to prevent infestations.
  • Keep Traps in Place During Warm Months: In warm climates, flies reproduce year-round, so maintain traps throughout the warmer seasons.
  • Empty Traps Regularly: Empty and clean your traps frequently to ensure their effectiveness.
  • Maintain Home Cleanliness: Keep your home sanitized and dispose of overripe fruits to reduce fly presence.

Natural Fly Repellents

In addition to fly traps, consider these natural repellents:

  • Essential Oils: Essential oils like lemongrass, lavender, and eucalyptus emit scents that deter flies.
  • Cayenne Pepper Spray: A mixture of water and cayenne pepper can be sprayed around entrances to repel flies.
  • Citronella Candles: Lighting citronella candles outdoors can create a barrier that keeps flies away.


Can I make a fly trap without apple cider vinegar?

Yes, you can substitute vinegar with extra drops of fruit-scented dish soap, sugar, regular vinegar, or bread yeast mixed with sugar and water.

Why do you put vinegar in a fly trap?

Vinegar’s acetic acid attracts flies. Trapped flies drown in the vinegar solution.

What smell will keep the flies away?

Flies dislike the scents of cinnamon, lavender, eucalyptus, and lemongrass.

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